Chapter three

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Chapter Three: Little Pond's Adventure.


"Yes, Mum. I have my jacket." Allison stood at the back door with her back facing the TARDIS. The teen looked at both of her parents, "I have a weeks' worth of cloths, I have my tooth brush, toothpaste, cell, sketchbook, journal and I have some spare cash. I have everything I need." Alli gave her mother a reassuring smile.

"Be careful." Rory gave his daughter a gentle smile and a warm hug, Allison had always been a Daddy's girl.  

"I'll try, Daddy." Allison hugged her parents and said her goodbyes. "Come along Pond, We haven't got all day." The Doctor called from behind the girl. The teen couldn't help but laugh as she ran to the Blue box. All of her childhood dreams were coming true this very second.

"Take care of her!" Amelia called from beside her husband. Allison reminded Amy so much of herself, The eagerness to learn more about the universe, The want to explore every nook and cranny of every universe (since it was never proven that there was only one universe), Her willingness to jump into that blue box and take off for God knows where. "I can't believe she's actually going..." Amelia whispered to herself as she watched the TARDIS disappear from sight.

"You worry too much, Amy. The Doctor said he'd bring her back in a week. I think we'll survive without her for that long." Rory wrapped his arm around Amy's waist and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Let's go inside."  

The Ponds/Williams made their way in to their now all too quiet house.  


"Alright, Allison. We have all of Time and Space. Where do you want to start?" The Time Lord leaned against the console of the TARDIS, His arms crossed against his chest and his signature cheeky grin was plastered to his face.

"Hmm... Surprise me." She smiled and looked around the TARDIS.

"Oh, You'll soon learn not to say those words to me." The Doctor gave Allison a devious smile before running frantically around the control console raving like a mad man, flipping switches, pulling levers, pressing buttons. Needless to say, This sight amused Allison.  

How in the world her sister put up with this madness was far beyond the youngest pond.

"Hold on to something, Allison!" At the command of these words, Alli turned and gripped tightly to the railing as the TARDIS shook and made the whirling noises she remembered from her childhood. When the shaking stopped after several long minutes, A childish laugh escaped Allison's lips as she fell to the ground.

The Doctor chuckled as she walked over to the ginger headed girl who sat on the floor of his time machine laughing to herself, It shocked the Time Lord how much she reminded him of Amelia. Hair, Attitude the whole works. "Right then, Up you go Pond." He grabbed her by the hands and pulled her to her feet.  

"So, Where exactly are we? Wait, Let me rephrase that. When are we?" Alli's ice blue eyes glanced up at the Mad man before her, Her eyes were full of nothing but joy and childishness. The way the Doctor had remembered them.

"Where? England. When? 1840. Come along then, Little Pond. We have to get ready."

"Ready? What do you mean?"

"We're in the Victorian Era, Honestly Allison. You can't expect to go out in jeans and that Beatles shirt. You must dress properly. Besides, You Mother told me you are obsessed with the clothing from this era. I think I may just have the perfect thing for you." The Doctor took Allison's hand, after walking through several halls, up a couple stair cases and listening to Allison mumble on and on about how big the TARDIS was, The Doctor pulled the girl into a room filled with clothes.

"Wow." Was the only word Allison could think of to say as she followed the Doctor around this... Amazing.. room of clothes.

"I saw it the other day... Now where is that darn thing?" The Time Lord mumbled to himself as he searched through rack after rack of clothes. "Ah! Here we go!"

He pulled out a light pink short sleeved Victorian style dress with light beading, he held it up to the girl's figure. "No, No.. This won't do. It's too.. Christine Daea from the masquerade in the Phantom.. Not you at all."  

And again this mad man went searching. They had gone through atleast ten dresses before the Doctor pulled out a dress that screamed "Gorgeous" to Alli. "I think this will do quite nicely." The Doctor smiled victoriously and handed the dress to the teen.

"Now, Go to your room while I find something to change into."

"Room? I wasn't aware I had a room." Allison gave the man a rather confused look.

"Of course you have a room, Where did you think you were going to sleep for the next week? On top of the TARDIS? Come along then. I'll show you to your room." He smiled brightly and again lead Allison through several halls until the came to a TARDIS blue door. "The TARDIS created it for you, If you don't like it then we can always change it. Now go on, Pond. We haven't got all day."

"Seriously, Doctor? We've got all of time and space, You said it yourself." Allison giggled lightly before opening the door, She closed it behind before taking a look at her room.  

"Oh my.. This... This is amazing." The ginger looked around, her eyes wide. It looked like something you'd see in a movie. The walls were a light blue color with black designs over laying the blue.  

Her bed had black sheets with a light blue and gold comforter neatly spread across the bed with white, light blue and gold throw pillows. On a wall to the far right was a fireplace with a very Victorian-ish lounge chair. On the mantel was picture of Allison and her parents, but there was one picture that stood out to her. It was a picture of the Doctor standing between River and Rory, Amy was standing next to her husband. In the Doctor's arms was a toddler with ginger hair and blue eyes. Everyone was looking towards the Camera except the Doctor. He was looking at the Toddler in his arms with a bright smile plastered to his face as the little girl pulled on his bow-tie.

A small smile formed on the young woman's face, She looked down at the dress in her hands. "Well, Let's live a little. Shall we?" She muttered to herself before changing into the dress. Alli pulled her hair up into a bun, leaving a few loose curls hanging around her face. She stood infront of the long mirror on the wall next to what she guessed was a closet.

Needless to say, Allison Williams-Pond didn't exactly look like a little girl. The dress actually looked amazing on her, its red fabric with the black lace made her look pale but in a sort of porcelain doll way. Her fingers traced over the designs in the lace, Her blue eyes were vibrant against her porcelain skin.

"Allison?" A quiet yet kind voice came from the other side of her door followed by a soft knock.

"It's open!" Alli called out as she slipped her shoes on and pulled the black gloves that were laying on her bed on.

"Are you ready to... Go..?" The Doctor trailed off as he looked at the young woman that stood before him, "Why, Little Pond, You're all grown up." A smiled spread across his face as he developed her in a tight hug, When had his little pond grown up? It was as if she was a little girl yesterday and now... Well, now she's a young woman.

"We better get going, We'll be late." The Doctor grinned and held his arm out. "Shall we?"

"We shall!" Allison giggled and linked her arm through his.

As the duo walked out of the TARDIS, Allison looked at the Doctor and asked "And where are we going exactly?"

"You'll see, Allison. Have a little patience."

"Says the man who can even sit still for an hour."  

The Doctor simple chuckled and shook his head as he led her through the streets of England. 


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