Chapter Four (1 of 4)

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Hello there my fellow Whovians! Now, Before we get started I would just like to say thank you for all of the lovely comments I've recieved on the previous chapters. I've skipped through the Doctor and Alli's trip, I know... I'm horrible. I just couldn't think of anything exciting at the time. BUT, there's a new character! Muwahahahaha, Hearts will be broken, friendships will be put on the line and there WILL be adventures so stick with me! Chapter 4 is going to be split into four parts. Chapter 4 Part 2 will be from the Doctor's POV, Chapter 4 part 3 will be from Alli's POV and chapter 4 part 4 will be from Matthew's POV. Let me know what you think about Matt! He's based off of an RP between me and one of my friends. I know part 1 is very short but I've been very sick lately and on top of that I just finished finals and my summer break has JUST started. Up until now I really haven't had the time to sit dow and write.


~ Tori


Chapter Four

The Doctor had all of time and space, The stars were his loyal friends and death was his enemy. He had everything under his fingertips but still so much remained a mystery.  But as always, life must come to an end. River was gone, Clara was gone or at least she was for now, Amelia and Rory were gone…  Everyone was gone…

The Doctor leaned against the TARTIS’ control console, his eyes were blood shot. How had he let this happen? How had he lost every one that he cared about? But… Maybe he hadn’t lost everyone… Allison… Little Pond….

My little pond…. How in Gallifrey’s name had I forgotten you?  The time lord ran around the console flipping levers, pressing buttons, turning knobs and soon enough the TARDIS shook to life. A small, sad  smile crept its way onto the Time Lord’s face. This was his chance… He wouldn’t mess it up.


“Alli! Have you seen my watch? I can’t find it anywhere.” Matthew Darcy called as he exited the couple’s bedroom, quietly making his way into the kitchen. “Hmm.. Good morning, Miss Pond.”  The dark haired young man wrapped his arms around the young woman’s waist.

“Good mornin’ to you too, Mr. Darcy.” Allison smirked as she twisted around in Matthew’s arms and stretched up on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck and press her lips to his.

Matt and Alli had been dating for almost three years, Alli couldn’t remember the last time she’d heard from the Doctor. He’d dropped her off at her house after their trip to Victorian London and said he’d be back in three hours.. Three hours turned into three weeks, three weeks turned into three months and three months turned into three years. She finally gave up on her mad man coming back.

The last thing she’d even heard about the Doctor was when River came by the house to explain that Amy and Rory were… Dead…

Of course Allison still missed her parents. They were her best friends…  But there was nothing she could do to bring them back and that devastated her…

“And how are you today?” Alli smiled as she pulled away from the kiss.

“Well, at the moment I’m just wonderful.” Matthew nuzzled the side of Allison’s next before pressing multiple soft kisses to the crook of her neck, which earned a quiet moan from the ginger.

“POND!” A loud yet familiar voice echoed through the house, causing both Matthew and Allison to jump. It couldn’t be… Allison thought to herself as she pulled away from her boyfriend and made her way through the house. “Doctor? Doctor!” Allison laughed as she was lifted off the ground. The hug was.. In Allison’s words, full of memories. If that makes any sense.

“Oh Allison! You’ve grown up on me again.. I don’t like it. Give me my Little Pond back!” The Doctor grinned as he got a good look of the girl.

“Of course I’ve grown.. It’s almost been three years. I’ll be twenty in a week.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner, I just… With what had happened with Amy and Rory, I….” The Time Lord wasn’t quite sure what to say to the young woman.

Allison took a deep breath, talking about her parents… It still hurt… One day they were here and the next…  Poof… They were gone..

“I know.. But you’re here now, That’s all that counts.” Allison gave the Doctor a small smile as she straightened his bowtie. “Now, Perk up. There’s no need to be a downer.”

The old friends embraced in a gentle, warm, comforting hug one last time before Matthew cleared his throat from where he stood in the door way.

“Oh! Matt!” Alli pulled away and waved Matthew over. “Matt, The Doctor. Doctor, Matt. There now we know each other’s names. Tea?”

“Oh yes.. Tea would be lovely.”

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