Chapter 3 - New beginnings

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A month had passed since my first day at school, and the whirlwind of new experiences had settled into a comfortable routine. Quin and Reya had become not just friends but pillars of my new life here. Our days were filled with laughter and shared adventures—whether it was a trip to the local shop, indulging in ice cream, or just hanging out at each other's houses. Quin and I had especially bonded, finding in each other a shared sense of humour and countless common interests.

Quin kept me updated about Tommie, even though Tommie himself still hadn't spoken to me. It was like Tommie was this elusive figure, always present in our conversations but never crossing paths with me directly. I was curious and a bit frustrated, but Quin's updates kept my interest piqued. The stories about Tommie's soccer skills, his plans, and his charisma were always intriguing, but they only fuelled my curiosity further.

In the meantime, Quin had developed a noticeable crush on Reya. It was endearing and slightly frustrating to watch him pine from a distance, too shy to make a move. I found myself playing the role of supportive friend, giving him pep talks and encouraging him to take a chance. It was clear he had feelings for Reya, but the courage to express them seemed just out of reach.

Jake, my brother, was a whirlwind of his own making. His popularity had soared, and he seemed to have a talent for attracting trouble. He was constantly in and out of detention, and his fifth girlfriend was currently the topic of much speculation. Despite the chaos he often caused, Jake had found his place at school and was living it up, making a name for himself as both a troublemaker and a charmer.

As for me, I was settling into my new life, finding comfort in the friendships I'd formed and navigating the complexities of high school with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The month had been a blend of highs and lows, but it was slowly shaping into a story I was starting to be eager to continue.

It was a quiet afternoon after school, and Quin and Tommie were hanging out at the soccer field, just kicking the ball around and chatting. The sun was starting to dip, casting long shadows across the field. Quin's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out to check the screen.

"Ashta," he muttered with a small smile, answering the call. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, Quin! I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight. My mom's making her famous lasagne, and she said I could invite you," Ashta's voice came through the phone, light and cheerful. Quin's eyes lit up at the mention of food. "Lasagna? You know I'm in," he said, laughing softly. "What time?" "Maybe around six? You know Jake's probably going to try and eat the whole thing, so you better come early," Ashta teased. "Alright, I'll be there. See you soon," Quin replied, ending the call with a grin.

Tommie, who had been casually juggling the ball with his feet, noticed the shift in Quin's expression and lowered the ball to the ground. "Who was that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.

Quin pocketed his phone, trying to act nonchalant, but Tommie's eyes didn't miss the slight smirk still lingering on Quin's face. "Oh, that was Ashta," Quin said casually, leaning against the goalpost. "Ashta?" Tommie repeated, his curiosity piqued. "Isn't that the new girl? You've been hanging out with her a lot lately."

"Yeah, she's cool. We've become good friends. I'm going over to her place for dinner," Quin replied, brushing it off as if it were no big deal. But there was a subtle hint of pride in his tone that didn't escape Tommie's notice.

Tommie tilted his head, studying Quin for a moment. "Just friends, huh?" There was a teasing note in his voice, the kind that hinted at something more, even if Quin hadn't admitted it. Quin rolled his eyes. "Yes, just friends. She's really easy to talk to, you know?"

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