A Short Bio.

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Since I know most poeple won't know the abilities of White Queen from Date A Bullet, I'm obliged to explain all of it unfortunately.

Appearance: Pandora wears a white military dress decorated with epaulettes, and a white admiral's cap with an emblem similar to that of a rising sun on the front of it. In the middle of the emblem is a clock face. She also wears white gloves and white, heeled boots. She has long white hair usually tied in symmetrical twin tails. Her right eye is red-tinted while her left eye appears as a blue clock face

 Her right eye is red-tinted while her left eye appears as a blue clock face

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Demon King: Lucifuge.

Her first ability takes the form of a massive Silver clock which has wings spurting out from its sides, When summoned, it stays behind the user. It serves as a good distraction along with being the catalyst for all her other abilities to be used.

 It serves as a good distraction along with being the catalyst for all her other abilities to be used

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Weapons : Her Weapons consists of a Saber, And Flintlock Pistol.

Keep in mind that her pistol, and saber possess special abilities that can cause different effects on the subject depending on the weapon used.

Some abilities of Lucifuge activated using her saber, while other abilities are activated by shooting her bullets.

Now let's get to the most tedious part to remember, Bullets.

(These are mainly here so you can understand the abilities ones she creates them in the future chapters, Or you can just spoil yourself if you want.)

Cancer Sword Sartan: Warps space-time in order to protect the user or assault the enemy.

Leo Bullet Arie: A tracking bullet, guided by Pandora's will, that devours space. The devoured space takes the form of a white trail that the bullet leaves behind. Anything that comes into contact with the trail or bullet will be shredded or annihilated into pieces. Pandora dislikes using this bullet due to the noisy sound that the bullet makes while devouring space. In order to use this bullet, Pandora must focus on her target so it can track them, so Pandora is immobile while using this bullet.

Virgo Sword Betulah: Creates a crack in space and allows a person to travel between places. It is primarily used for instantaneous travel between different regions, It even allows travels in between continents.

Scorpio Bullet Akrab : ???
(Too strong for now, I'll introduce it later.)

Aquarius Bullet D'li : Heals the target completely.

Gemini Bullet Teomim: This bullet had the ability to create a degraded copy of Pandora.

Taurus Sword Shawl : An ability that accelerates the speed of the user. Pandora uses this in conjunction with her saber to preform a rapid-fire jab attack.

Sagittarius Sword Keshet : The attack is described as both a sword as if a bullet, and a bullet as if a sword. Regarded as Pandora's trump card, it has speed exceeding Mach 10 and is imbedded with enough destructive power to gouge out the space of the surrounding area.

(Also, Of you couldn't already tell by the absurd amount of Space-Time abilities, She is going to be a member of the Indrath Clan, Also the biggest asshole you'd ever come to know.)

(Disclaimer: I do not own anything beside the Storyline, Credits to their rightful owners.)

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