This World's Beloved.

843 31 9

Pandora POV :

Looking at the dust which used to be the Lizard, I spot a glowing ball.
It seemed to contain alot of Magicules, and some other type of energy inside it.

Unlike Magicules however, This new energy seemed to be purely purple instead of a mirage of colours.

As much as I am disgusted by touching something left behind that Lizard, It seems to be useful, So I'll reluctantly take it.

Eh, This is technically grave robbing?
Nobody will find out anyways.


Alright, Let's leave the disgusting Lizard's dwelling and find somewhere worthy of my perfect being to reside in!


Walking outside the cave, My perfect eyes are assaulted by the radiating glow of the sun.

"Awawawawa, Stop it!"
I scream out before taking out my Flintlock and aiming at the Dwarf Star.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

A series of loud gunshots resounded in the nearby forest, The Mana Beasts, Thinking it was a roar of an Apex Predator, Naes3sturally resorted to fleeing as far as they could from the area.

Unfortunately, The bullets wouldn't be able to surpass the Ozone Layer and obliterate the sun as Pandora wished.

Alot of angy loli noises has been coming out of Pandora's mouth for the past 30 Minutes.

"Damn it, I'm tired..."
The tree I was looking at seemed strangely comfortable.

Giving in to sloth, I lay on the trees trunk, As soon as I closed my eyes the last thing I said before drifting to sleep was, "Ahh, My brain trembles."

3rd POV :

As Pandora drifted to sleep, The tree's trunk slowly became softer and changed its shape to be fitting for one such as her sleep on.

Squirrel like Mana Beasts gathered fruits and nuts before placing it right infont of her mighty figure before giving respect.

The earth behind her collapsed upon itself before reveling
hat under the dirt was a Majestic Lake, It's beauty putting any others before it to shame.

Once Withered flowers began to bloom once again.

Cherry Blossoms, That aren't even supposed to exist in this world sprouted out showing this new world its enchanting beauty.

Powerful Mana Beasts, Though to be extinct came out of hiding, Giving the place an Ancient feel.

Though they all seemed to have one thing in common, The desire to protect their beloved Queen.

Afterall, She is this world's beloved.
And this world would do anything to protect her.

*Cute Loli Waking Up Noises*

Pandora POV :

I open up my eyes, Before being mildly surprised at the sight before me.


"It's only natural for someone as perfect as me to own such a beautiful garden like this!"

I say before enjoying my comfy throne.


"Ah, It's only natural for me... A QUEEN, to have a Majestic Throne such as this."

It only pales in comparison to my beauty.

"And how could i forget, A Queen such as myself needs fitting subordinates, Just like these fluffy things."

I say I grab a squirrel-like Mana Beasts and start petting it.

"Ah, This is bliss."

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