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Pandora POV :

As I was sitting in my Golden Throne, Well its not really Golden, But you get the point.

I started to feel sleepy once more even though my glorious self just woke up from her slumber.

I slowly close my eyelids not expecting what would happen after i had done that.


Slowly Awakening from my sleep, I started to hear some voices, chattering and laughing.

??? : "Man, I can't believe we caught these two Golden catches twice in a row, One in a generation beauties, And two of them at that."

???2 : "Yeah, It seems that your luck has not yet faded, Pinky."

I hear the sounds of a group of people chattering infront of my eyes, How dare such scum behave such way infront of their queen!?

My eyelids open instantly, My eyes filled with hatred and rage directed at the 4 Men, Who for some reason suddenly shuddered.

3rd POV :

Pinky : "What the Hell is going on? Why did it suddenly get so co-"

He could not finish his sentence, which was also his last.

A loud screeching noise could be heard before the man known As Pinky got shredded to pieces.

His organs splattered all around, His guts and blood tainted the ones he called allies.

Pandora : "Arie"

A small little girl, Who seemed to be holding a Flintlock Pistol, Uttered a simple word which was the cause for all that Chaos.

Which was aimed to the mush which used to be referred to as "Pinky".

Danton : "Damn it, Duece distract her while I sneak attack!"

The not very smart Slave Trader said to his last remaining subordinate, Duece.

Duece : "Damn It! Why me? Why not you be the distraction!
Damn it, Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have become a slave Trader! I'm out of here, Screw you!"

The one known as Duece ran away, Like a little girl screaming, Not knowing the irony of the situation.

Unfortunately for him though, A while trail happened to appear right infront of him, Annihilating his overweight body in the same fashion as "Pinky".

The last one left alive of the slave traders, Also their leader, Danton, Had a mental breakdown while looking at all his subordinates remains.

Pandora : "Hmm".

The same soft voice had once again uttered another word, Though it sounded like a demons whisper to Danton, Accepting death will come soon, Danton offered to resistance.

Thats what he should have done atleast.

Danton : "Why, Why, Why, You are the one who should be running for your life not, Me! You where just supposed to be a slave we sold! Damn it! You bit-"

But he has been cut off by the intent to kill radiating from the child infront of him.


"Slave? Me? Sold?"

"How dare you call out to me with that title!
You are disrespecting my individuality, My Authority, My liability, My capability, My satisfaction, my credibility, my humility, my sanctification, My understanding, My empathy, My personality, My rationality, My hospitality, My justification, My freedom, My rights, My self being.


At that moment, All colour seemed to fade, All sounds ceased to exist, The only thing left in the current colorless world was the woman named "Pandora".


A screech, Much louder then the previous "Arie" Bullet resounded throughout the forest.

Everything suddenly went bright.

A giant canyon has been left where the one named "Danton" has been standing.

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