6 - The Training Starts

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I stared at Set and his mundane expression looked so handsome and majestic as always. I felt bad for him because he said Demons couldn't love so I quickly wondered what would happen if this giant beauty was to fall in love with me. Clearly, it's not that Demons truly couldn't love. They just don't know what it was to be "in love".

Well, it's not that I know how it felt too but I at least knew the theory of it.

'Oh fuck! What am I thinking!? I should have learned from the past already. Set falling in love with me? Dream on! There's no way and besides we're both men,' I thought, quickly holding my cheeks embarrassed at my own thoughts.

"Do you want to eat more?" Set asked curiously, seeing that I was to finish the peach he gave me. I quickly shook my head and smiled awkwardly. For some reason, the fruit satisfied both my hunger and thirst. Almost as if I was drinking Set's blood. It has the same feeling somehow.

"No, I'm good. For some reason, the fruit instantly sated my hunger..." I replied softly but was not able to finish my words when I suddenly thought of something. "W-wait. T-This fruit isn't something weird or anything is it?? Like maybe growing on top of corpses or a river of blood?" I asked hesitantly. The food earlier tasted good but it turns out it was some kind of a sea monster. Just imagining it made my skin crawl, I could still remember how it felt in my mouth and I quickly wanted to throw up. I almost forgot that we were in a demon world! I've seen the landscape outside and there seem to be nothing but dead trees around. How on earth is a peach tree going to grow on this land?!

I looked at Set and my face quickly dropped when I saw his earlier expression shifted into something else. It's as if he was hesitating to reply to my question.

"Goddammit! Tell me!" I yelled in frustration. No matter how handsome he is, I will not forgive him if he fed me something weird again. Thankfully, seeing my anxious reaction, Set finally sighed before pulling me into his lap so naturally using magic. I was a little surprised but I'll forgive such an act because Set is handsome—I crossed my arms at this. Why am I so weak against handsome creatures? And the fact that I'm letting him do whatever he wants when I normally don't, makes me go insane. I want to punch myself for it.

"The demon realm doesn't have any fertile soil. The trees that grew here are possessed by demons and have become a demon of itself..." Set explained softly, touching my face and it honestly calmed me down a little but I'm still pouting in displeasure especially when I heard his response.

"So you mean to say, I've eaten a demon fruit?" I questioned, wanting to cry already. You can think whatever you want but as a former human being, something like drinking blood or eating a monster meat or fruit definitely does not sit well with me. I have high standards when it comes to food so on top of the taste, I don't want to eat something weird. That's just who I am. I mostly only want pork, fish, or chicken on my table. If the food doesn't belong to the category then I won't eat it. Of course, I also eat fruits and vegetables but like I said, I'm picky.

"You could say that, my Mania. However, even though it's a demon tree, it is still a tree. And just like trees, they needed nourishments in order to bear fruit. Normally, I would have offered the bodies of the dead but this time I used my blood as a sacrifice so you need not worry about eating corpses," Set assured, thinking that would make me feel at ease but it does not. Instead, it just makes me want to cry even more. Am I going to live in this kind of place from now on? Will I have to accept that I would never be able to eat normal food ever again? It's making my head hurt but what am I supposed to do? My human body has probably been buried by now so even if I go back, I would be stuck in my current body so I have to learn how to survive in it.

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