1- Death by a Truck!

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Sometimes, people make the wrong decisions. Despite already having a hunch that it is wrong and despite knowing that it is indeed wrong, people still tend to do the stupidest things.

That's just what made humans, humans! It's a stupid excuse but it is logical. It explains the very essence of being a human. Humans know what is wrong and what is right but in the end, they still end up choosing the wrong things. Doing the wrong things.

For instance, going outside of your comfort zone at 3 am in the morning just so you could eat fast food because you refused to pay the extra 1 dollar bill for delivery charge.

Or conveniently passing by a creepy hunchback old woman who happens to ask for your help. Like what the hell? It's freaking 3 am! Who's in the right mind, especially an old woman, who would choose to go out of their houses except for someone who wanted to eat fast food without paying the extra 1 dollar bill for the delivery charge?!

Humans do tend to do the stupidest things.

People! Please just pay that extra one dollar or you will pay the consequences. Also please don't help creepy people at 3 am in the morning. I don't care if it's an old woman or a man or a baby crying. Please! just don't do it! Even if you are a good person, at this moment! Be a bad person. Believe me, it will save you.

Don't be stupid. I beg you.

But then again, I was stubborn. I chose to help the old woman because I'm a good person. And she's walking towards where I'm going anyway, so why not help, I thought?! At the end of our destination, I didn't know something bad was already coming for me.

"Thank you for helping me, young man. Your life is fairly short but since you've helped me, I'll let you marry my son after you transmigrated." The old woman enigmatically said and I literally dropped my mouth open. Marry her son? I'm a man! And although I'm gay, I was not planning to have a relationship with any man. I'm fine on my own so--- no thank you.

"Ma'am, I think you've mistaken. I'm not a clearly not a woman," I replied with an awkward smile. The old woman only smiled back. The light from the streets radiated on her expression and I almost shivered in fear at her appearance. Her yellow and crooked teeth were highlighted by the light and I almost gasped in shock remembering those horror movies that I used to watch with my friends in high school.

A creepy hunchback old woman with yellow and crooked teeth always meant they're an evil witch. Evil witches in movies are always described as a creepy old lady, so old it almost felt like they're too old to even be alive. Additionally, yellow crooked teeth, a mole on the top of their pointed nose or anywhere on their wrinkled faces and a white long hair. All these descriptions match the old woman.

"Uhm Okay ma'am I think I should go now. Are you fine being here?" I asked politely, creeped out by my own thinking. I've always hated horror movies and the only reason I watch them is because my friends were also there. If not? I wouldn't even dare watch one ever in my life.

I waited for the old woman to reply but she didn't say anything and continued to smile instead. So even though it's rude, I immediately turned around and left abruptly saying a rush goodbye.

"Wait five minutes before you leave. If you don't want to marry my son, wait for five minutes." Just when I took a step, I heard her say with a disembodied voice and the second I turned around the old woman was gone.

All the hair on my body literally stood as I turned ghastly pale before I ran for my life. "AHHHHHH" Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! That old woman is a freaking witch!! She just vanished! She's a freaking witch! A freaking witch!

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