4- Not a Vampire

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"I don't care. You're nice to me so at least for me you're kind." I said smiling. He gave me another confused expression before his lips turned into a curve saying okay like an obedient puppy. His handsome features highlighted that once again struck a string in my heart. 'Dammit! This Demon is really handsome. And I'm sitting on his lap.'

Getting off of his lap, his arms remained wrapped around my waist which I'm weirdly okay with. "You're not allowed to leave the castle yet but I can show you around. Just make sure you don't leave my side." Set offered that I willingly agreed on. This is the first time I've been in the Demon realm so I'm pretty much excited about what I will find.

"Yeah sure," I casually replied, concealing my excitement despite its already showing on my swaying tail.

We soon left our room with Set's arm protectively against my back. I didn't mind because he was nice to me and it would be rude if I told him not to touch me. But as we walked and started seeing weird and scary creatures, I began to appreciate his hold.

I quickly wrapped my palms on his clothes terrified. Although they were bowing in respect to both Set and me, I was never good with scary things, and walking on this castle felt like walking in a monster-infested house which I am literally in right now.

Set and I continued to walk and demons, monsters and the like began to stare at us.

"Don't be afraid, my mania. Most demons and monsters here had not seen a celestial so they could not help but look." Set cooed but it didn't help at all. Just looking at the creatures was enough to give me a nightmare. I didn't respond to Set and just continued to grip on him as if my life depends on it.

As far as I can see, only Set had the most human-like appearance despite his big ass horns and reddish skin, he's quite a very handsome demon. While the rest, it's either they have an animal-like head, beastly bodies, half-half, or just extremely ugly monsters. I don't even dare to describe it because they're hella terrifying.

Having the trouble to cheer me up, Set quickly took my attention by blocking my view as he stood in front of me and cupped my cheeks. "Would you like to eat?" He suddenly asked and I instantly remembered, I was hungry when I was hit by Truck-san. I may not be hungry physically but my soul is screaming food.

"Y-Yeah. I'd love that." I replied with a smile. Set smiled and nodded. When we started walking again, all the scary creatures earlier had disappeared. 'Did Set make them go away?'

"Did you?" I started and he quickly replied with a nod. "I didn't want to further scare you," he said monotonously, which I really appreciated.

"Thank you," I said softly. We continued to walk towards our destination until we arrived at a huge dining table. The ambiance was quite dark but it's okay. There were skulls around as a decoration, on the chandelier, the chairs were made out of 80 percent bones, the table, however, was made out of a rock-like material. There were balls of lights floating to lighten up the room a bit.

It was creepy looking at it but I like to imagine that it was all just for the design.

'Yeah, the skulls and bones are not real at all.' I had automatically convinced myself.

"Food will arrive shortly," Set assured, pulling one of the chairs for me to sit on. I hesitated at first but in the end, I decided to finally sit, ignoring the fact that I'm sitting on possibly real rib bones from some dead creature. I nodded at Set looking around the place until I realized something very important.

"Uhmmm, what kind of food do you serve here?" I asked, feeling alarmed. We're not on Earth. There's a high possibility that they eat some kind of worm here. There's no way I'm eating that! I'd rather die again.

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