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LEADER: Palestar - pale brown male 

SHERRIF: Mossfeather - bright green female

MEDICINE BIRD: Bluedream - pale blue male with blue eyes

ELDERS: (Former scavengers and queens, now retired.)

Barkfeather - pale brown male

Speckledtalon - speckled brown female

SCAVENGERS: (Males, and females without hatchlings)

Smallchirp - a small bright female

Hailfeather - a pale blue male
Apprentice, Dreamwing

Poppyleg - a pale red female
Apprentice, Webwing

Seedseeker - pale green male

APPRENTICES:(More than six moons old, training to become Scavengers)

Dreamwing - a bright blue female

Webwing - a small gray male

QUEENS: (Females nursing hatchlings)

Cedarsong - a chestnut brown female (mother of Pine, a dusky brown female, and Acorn, a speckled male)


LEADER: Oakstar - a large brown male

SHERRIF: Cloudfeather - small white speckled female

MEDICINE BIRD: Pinetail - a pale brown female with blind eyes

ELDERS: (Former scavengers and queens, now retired.)

Paletalon - a pale tan male

SCAVENGERS: (Males, and females without hatchlings)

Specklesong - a small speckled female

Shadowthroat - a large black male
Apprentice, Beewing

APPRENTICES:(More than six moons old, training to become Scavengers)

Beewing - a pale yellow male 

QUEENS: (Females nursing hatchlings)

Littlefeather - a small pale red female (mother of Beetle, black male, and Birch, white speckled male)

Bluechirp - a large blue female (mother of Snow, pale white tom)


LEADER: Acornstar - a small chestnut brown female
Apprentice, Snailwing

SHERRIF: Greensky - a pale green male with blue eyes

MEDICINE BIRD: Sprucesoul - a large brown male
Apprentice, Applewing

ELDERS: (Former scavengers and queens, now retired.)


SCAVENGERS: (Males, and females without hatchlings)

Frost-eye - a pale gray male with frosty blue eyes

Mossbeak - a pale brown male

Littleberry - a pale blue female

APPRENTICES:(More than six moons old, training to become Scavengers)

Applewing - a bright red female

Snailwing - a pale green female 

QUEENS: (Females nursing hatchlings)


Birds Outside Clans:



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