If Tomorrow Isn't Promised...

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[Markiplier for Lucifer's Voice? I think so.]

"The truth is I was created to be like any other person. There is nothing special about who I am. I don't do kick-flips, trade stocks, deliver mail... I'm just an ordinary camera man. That's right, a camera man. You probably don't know why that matters, neither do I, but here I am, monologuing." The very ordinary man known as Y/n, talks to himself on the edge of a roof, above many shops and agencies, and above hundreds of people.

"I feel like I have gone crazy, in this Mad World. The more you think about things, the blurrier it gets. Nothing is clear about this world other than you are destined to die one day. Maybe today is the day, but why does it matter? I still have up until my death to think my self to death. Like everyone eventually does." Y/n walks away from the edge, and takes a breath.

"Time for my ordinary job." Y/n exhaled.

What was his job about? Recording. Wow, that's exciting, isn't it? Not like he hoped. Why is he still a camera man? Why are you still asking questions?...

"Y/n, you're needed on set, operating a camera is a cameraman's job." Said a man who was waiting for him to come down from the room.

"I got it man, I will go now, I think I will get a cup of water first though." Y/n waved at him and walked towards a water dispenser nearby.

The cups were in the shape of a cone, and they were made of paper. Y/n grabbed one.

"Just do not take too long, we need to finish this last shoot while we still have daylight." The coworker walked past him and the dispenser and into a dark and large room. The door slowly closes behind him.

Just before the door closed, someone grabbed the door.

Y/n takes a sip of water.

"Y/n, hey man, we need to talk." The director said.

"What do you need Jeremey?" Y/n said, finishing his water and throwing his paper cone into the recycling bin.

"Just a word of advice Y/n."

"Sure, what?" Y/n paid close attention, so he wouldn't screw anything up.

"The camera needs to be a bit brighter for this shot, we will be shooting some dark scenes, literally." He smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, I will do that Jeremey." Y/n looked at the stage door.

"Great, get going Y/n." Jeremey turned around and opened the stage door, Y/n followed him inside as well.

All of the non-actors were told to wear black today, so that they didn't stand out in any shots made by the cameramen.

What was the thing Y/n was shooting? A scene between the "Royal Spymaster" and the protagonist, "The Royal Protector."

The Royal Protector was in a plot to assassinate the Royal Spymaster for his crimes.

Y/n got to his position above the scene, after brightening up his camera setting. The camera was on a tripod, to increase steady-ness.

The Royal Spymaster was a bald actor with an intimidating voice, his outfit was that of an aristocrat from the 1800s or so. He was also 5'8 or so, rather short.

"Action!" Yelled the director. The Royal Protector climbed up a set of bookcases at the entrance of the huge room.

Y/n had already started recording, and was watching the protagonist as he climbed, with his camera. The Royal Protector was wearing a mask and a cloak, he also has a brand of a symbol on his hand.

For the rest of this scene, we'll see the finished product, with all the special effects and CGI, instead of the raw recording through Y/n's lenses.

The protagonist's brand glew bright, and he disappeared in a ray of ethereal light, but the Royal Spymaster didn't notice.

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