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Hailey jumped out of bed early on Monday morning, she wanted to start going for a jog every morning like she used to before all the drama with Kim getting shot and Roy... well you know the story. She had been so caught up trying to keep her secret safe and trying to keep her relationship with Jay intact at the same time she completely neglected her well being. She stopped exercising outside of work and she stopped sleeping more than a hour a night.

Hailey walked to kitchen to pour herself a glass of water when she heard footsteps coming from the bedroom. She turned around to see Jay leaning on the door frame wearing only his boxers and rubbing his eyes, still half asleep. "Good morning sleepyhead" she smiled taking sip of water from the glass. "What are you doing up so early, it's like midnight!" he exclaimed. Hailey laughed "It's 5.30 and I told you last night remember, I'm going to start jogging again". "Alright well, have fun with that, I'm gonna take advantage of the next 3 hours before we have to go to work and get some more sleep" he smiled sleepily at his wife. Hailey skipped over to Jay and kissed him briefly on the lips, "I guess I'll see you at work then, babe. Have a good sleep". "Ok, have a good jog" he replied slumping back to bed. Hailey got dressed quickly into some leggings, sneakers and her red hoodie before grabbing her phone, earphones and running out the door.

It was quite dark out still when Hailey left the apartment, she didn't mind though. She liked the stillness of the city before it got super busy and the view of the river only a few miles from the apartment. Hailey put her earphones in and looked for her workout playlist on her phone. She pressed play, put her phone in the pocket of her leggings and started jogging. 30 minutes later she jogged through riverwalk on her way to find a coffee shop to stop for a drink at. As she was running on the bridge over the river she swore she heard a sound coming from down below, even over her music she could her someone talking frantically almost crying. She thought it must just be her mind playing tricks on her so she kept running towards the coffee shop coming up on the right.

As Hailey walked out of the shop putting the lid back on her coffee she heard the cry again. She looked around startled, trying to find out where it was coming from. Suddenly her eyes fixed on a flash of red down by the water. She couldn't see what it was exactly because it was mostly obscured by the nearest bridge. Hailey put her thumb over the the lid of her coffee to stop it from spilling and started to jog cautiously down the ramp toward what she could now make out as car. A red Ford balancing half dangling over the river and half on the concrete. Hailey started to run faster placing her coffee down on a bench. She could see someone in the driver's seat and possibly someone in the back as well. The car looked as though another car had hit the Ford perpendicular to the driver's side but there was no other car to be seen.

 Hailey got closer and saw the driver's bloody face, she was barely conscious. "Hey, Hey, Hey!" Hailey yelled frantically trying to get the driver's attention. "What happened?" she asked the driver. She didn't get an answer. Hailey saw something move in the back seat, it was a baby. She looked around confused. How did this car get down here? Where is the other car? And how long had they been there? The car began to creak and lean towards the water below, Hailey tried to steady it by putting her weight on the trunk of the car. She whipped out her phone and dialed as fast as she could. "Yes, this is Detective Hailey Upton, CPD, badge number 55055. Requesting CFD at 320 West Wacker under the Franklin Street Bridge, I've got a women, 20s and and infant trapped in a vehicle half in the river. Possibly including another vehicle that is no longer on scene. I need backup now!" Hailey panted heavily.

She put her phone down and saw that the driver was slowly regaining some consciousness and trying to move around. "Hey, stay still for me, ok?" Hailey asked "My name is Hailey, I'm a police officer, can you tell me your name?". "A-adriana" she mumbled in a raspy voice. "Ok Adriana, just try to stay still for me, help is on the way. Don't try to move or the car might tip." Hailey spoke trying to stay calm, but in reality she couldn't hold the car much longer. Suddenly there was a huge tug, as if something was pulling the car into the lake. Hailey panicked trying to hold the car. She dropped her phone on the ground as the car creaked loudly and tipped further into the river it was almost vertical now. The baby started wailing and Hailey tried to break open the door but it was completely stuck. With one final tug the car completely flipped over into the water, Hailey was flung from the car and crashed into the freezing water. The last thing she saw was red and blue flashing lights flickering above the water and the silhouette of not one but two cars underwater...

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