Chapter 3

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If school has taught me anything, I would have to say always be prepared for the worst. Especially when an angry mom joined you with your career meetings. Whenever parents came to school, your school to be more precise, chances were you knew you were fucked. And that was my case here.

For reasons I don't even understand, the school didn't take too kindly about me and Alex's project. They really shouldn't be complaining; We made it on time! Sure we didn't come through the class door but at least we got our attendance in! So why were they on our case about this? I can't answer that but my guess was something petty and stupid. I don't know.

Throughout today, Alex and I were the talk of the school. Our little stunt buzzed conversations all across the school, electronically and passed by lips. It sparked excitement as everyone was always on the hunt for anything new since we lived in a small town. Many people were quite impressed by the event and some came up to us during lunch to commend our skills. While we enjoyed our time as being popular, we knew it wouldn't last long. People moved on quick towards the latest trends so it wasn't all that big of a deal. The only thing we didn't expect was our parents hearing about it.

News here in Adventure Bay travels fast, due to it's small community. It goes by quickly now too, since everyone owns a phone or a tablet or any sort of electronic device. Whether it may be the local Facebook community or any group chats on Instagram, the word always seems to find its way around. And somehow, my mom found out and got called in. The same went for Alex's case as well.

During 3rd period, I was called into the office and I knew this was it. After awhile, I took a deep breath and muttered, "Bring on the corpses!". I had hoped there would be a different reason why I was being called into but I knew better.

As I walked towards the office, I accidentally bumped into my good friend Grinder. Grinder was one of my first friends growing up, as his father was Rubble, formerly of the Paw Patrol. My uncle Rubble was good friends with my Dad as he was their Construction member and acted as the little brother of the team dynamic. After the team disbanded, he was already a fully grown dog and decided to stay in Adventure Bay to work with Mr. Porter. Together, they ran a little sandwich shop. I would come there often whenever Grinder worked there. It was a nice local place and I often liked to help Grinder around as he was really nice to hang around.

Despite his dad being a Bulldog, Grinder was the biggest Rottweiler I've ever met. Uncle Rubble took him in soon after the rescue team went their ways. Apparently, Grinder had no recollection about the identity of his parents and lived his life early as a stray. Uncle Rubble met him in an alleyway and noticed he was badly injured. Despite his objections, Rubble took him and the two started to bond. The rest was history afterwards. I met him soon after and considering our parents were good friends, I became Grinder's first and best friend. I was a bit older than him but it didn't matter because I had someone of the same gender to hang out with. This was before we met Zane however.

Even though he had a very scary appearance (mainly due to his very muscular and tall presence), Grinder had to be the most kindest person I've ever met. He had a soul so sweet that it could make sulfur smell like roses. He had a good moral code too as often he stood up for the younger classmates because he believed the older generation would be the pillars to be built upon for the younger generation to climb upon. Something about achieving potential and working on a better future. A really noble philosophy but one I'm still trying to figure out myself. The only weakness Grinder had was a major fear of spiders. I wasn't sure what was the deal but I wasn't going to pry. It was his private, personal information.

"Grim reaper called?", he asked. He looked like he had got off from football practice as he reeked of sweat. "I saw your mom in office, with Grandpa Porter. From the looks of it, she's steamed. You're going to be all right in there?"

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