my to do list is ur mom

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3 months later idk how to do a formal breakup but shes with Colby now and I guess you could say their relationship is seductive but besides that jack and olivia had split custody meaning jack gets Cheyenne and olivia gets hailey but they do see each other on the weekends and olivia moved into an apartment and stays there with hailey

me and danny were at a pet store looking at dogs in a sport shop when jack came in I tried too ignore him or at least stay hidden from him but its hard when you have a 6,4 man baby by you looking at puppies but I successfully ignored him while him and daniel talked I saw a saint Bernard puppy he looked more like a grown dog but he was cute I asked the worker his price she said 15 hundred so I called my dad and he sent me more then enough so I could buy the stuff for him I wasn't gonna name him id be letting hailey name him so I paid for him got his stuff and waited in dannys car while he finished talking to jack once he did he dropped me off and helped me take the stuff in hailey was confused she kept giggling and asking us until we took the dog in she was surprised

"so what should we name"

"we should name him umm HERO!!"

"hero it is"

daniel left and hero warmed right up too hailey they even took a nap together but I needed too film something so I called mia last minute and we filmed a qna after that Colby came over and played with hero and hailey then I put hailey too sleep and hero stayed on the couch with me and Colby he looked at me

"you know you could've stayed at our house Elton moved out and we could make that haileys room and obviously theres enough room for a giant dog"

"I know but its just the right thing for us right now my moms paying for rent its not causing drama and im happy, were happy"

he kissed me

"but we'd share a bed"

I giggled I heard a knock at the door I got up and answered it it was sean

"can I see hailey"

I was shocked he looked like he was in a way better place

"yea but she just fell asleep"

he stepped in and Colby stared at him

"the door too the left"


i nodded and followed him i opened the door for him and turned haileys night light on she rolled over with sleepy eyes

"hey baby daddys here too see you"

she rubbed her eyes and hugged him i turned the light on and stepped out of the room Colby was leaning on the door

"hes just here too see her Colby don't do that"

i walked too the kitchen getting hailey water

"but why would you let him in huh"

"cause hes my daughters dad and he hasn't seen her in forever"

he was there for 10 minutes then left i walked in and she was smiling

"daddy got me a necklace"

"oh really can i see"

she handed it too me i opened the locket and it was a picture of all of us then a picture of sean on the next side

"its very pretty do you want it on"

she nodded

"can i show it at my show and tell tomorrow"

"yes and you tell them you have the best daddy ever and that he brings you all the pretty things in the world"

she giggled

"yknow when me and daddy had you he bought you every sparkly pink thing he could fing and he got you anything you wanted"

"why don't we see him anymore"

"well that's a long story baby how about you go back too sleep"

"ok i love you"

"love you hal"

i turned off her lights and walked out me and Colby watched a movie then he stayed the night the next morning i took hailey and hero too the park with mia while we waited for jack too show up he was running late so i called

j)hey cant talk about too do an interview

i hung up that's the second weekend he did that so me and mia took hero home and took hailey too a pool it was only us 3 and another family with another girl around haileys age there we hunng out there all day then went home and watched a movie

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