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HEY BABES i know the day is wrong but i started writing this story on oct 11 2020 and we'll it's oct 11 2022 i just wanna say i'm so thankful for all of you who have been reading this god awful cringy story love ya❤️

the next day i had work i dropped the girls off at school like usual but i got a call from work
manager|olivia got some great news before you go to work
m|your gonna work from home or your own set with different people and you'll be going to there sets so your not working for our channel anymore
o|no way!
m|i know but you'll still be working with me so i'll get your channel set up but go to 3528 on 5th ave to for today
o|ok thanks
after work
i got out later than usual but i quickly got ready to be presentable to pick up the girl i waited in the parking lot for ab 5 min before they got out i got a text from colby
c:got a hotel in vegas for fun this weekend just to walk around jake tara sam and kat are going amber can't make it you wanna be my stand in😏
o:i'll be there
the girls got in the car
|hey your going to great grandma's this weekend |
|cause i'm gonna be out of town with colby|
|can i go|-hal
|absolutely not|
|what are you guys doing out of town|-frankie
|none of your business|
|nOnE oF yOuR bUiSnEsS|-frankie
|girl don't even cause i'll send you right back to where you came from and i don't think you wanna live with a bunch of boys|
she sat back
2 days later/thursday
i had nothing to do all day while the girls were at school so i called jack and asked him if he wanted to get lunch so i could see chey he agreed and we met at a nice cafe when they walked in a smile spread across my face my beautiful baby and her dad i missed it honestly they're smiles and giggles he sat down and handed her to me we talked for awhile until he brought up us again i was ready for it and now i wanted it but i need to get through this weekend and make up my mind
|look jack i'll be here next week and i'll answer the question|
He nodded and kept talking we sat there for about an hour when gus called i excused myself and walked to the bathroom then answered
|hey babe|
|what's up|
|what are you doing|
|at like a lunch meet with jack why|
|wanna take a drive tonight|
|how could i say no to you|
|ok just me tracy you and scarlet|
|k i'll see you tonight|
|k bye|
i walked back out and saw jack's girlfriend i walked over to them
|k sorry i have an event tonight so i have to get the girls a place to stay tonight|
|well me and the guys could watch them|
|im sorry but i don't trust daniel and corbyn with hailey maybe frankie but not hailey and it's an overnight thing so i don't want them to be late for school i'll just get my dad|
|well uh ok see you later|
i picked up cheyenne and gave her a kiss
|i love you chey chey i see you later|
i set her back down and walked out i got in my car and called my dad
d:yes princess
o:can the girls stay the night
d:the night
o:yes and can i trust you too get them to school on time
d:i guess
o:thank youuuu i love you so much and the best parent ever
d:your welcome i love you too

later that night
it was about an hour before peep was gonna pick me up i styled my hair i just left it straight but two small braids where a money piece would be did my makeup with extremely good liner put on a baggy pair of black ripped jeans black and red air forces and a baggy black kanye west donda sweatshirt i put on two silver necklaces and my green gauges in
i walked out and locked the door behind me i turned around it was pitch black i turned my phone light on and unlocked the gate i walled out and sure enough there was a hummer out front i got into the back seat since tracy was in the front
|heyy bitchhh|-scarlet

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