That's great

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It began on a silent night. The sky was gray and rain drops pelted the ground. Minho sat alone in his small apartment watching a movie. His attention was taken by a knock on his door. He glances at the clock hanging on the wall.


Why is someone knocking at ten o'clock? He thought. He lived on the quiet side of town. Everyone was home around nine o'clock at the latest. Another knock came from the door. He groaned as he stood up. He slowly opened the door, just incase the person wasn't a friendly one.

"(y/n)?" He stares at the girl in front of him. She was a girl he had met through one of his college classes. He had recently developed a crush on the (y/h/c), but refrained from telling her due to her having a boyfriend. "Are you okay?"

Tears fell from her eyes, mixing with the raindrops on his face. She only sniffed in response, then rubbed her eye with her soaked sweater sleeve. Minho just guided the soaked girl inside away from the rain. He led her to the couch then left her to grab a towel.

"Did something happen," he gently asked when he returned. She gently nodded her head.

"I'm sick of it," she says. All of her tears had subsided and all that was left was anger.

"Sick of what?"

"It keeps happening to me, every single time," she growls. "They always cheat."

Minho stayed silent, not quite sure how to handle the situation. A quiet sneeze broke the silence. (y/n) rubbed her nose in annoyance.

"Why don't you take a warm shower before you catch a cold? I'll lend you some clothes," he offers as he leads her to the bathroom. She quietly agreed and entered the bathroom, leaving Minho to wait and think on what he should do.

When (y/n) came out dressed in my clothes, she flopped onto my bed. Her anger seemed to have faded. She turns to look at me from my place in the door way.

"Minho, do you think I'm ugly," (y/n) asked emotionlessly. I stare at her in confusion. How can she not think she's beautiful?

"No, you can never be ugly. You're gorgeous," I blurt out with out thinking.

"They all leave me for prettier girls," she replied.

"(y/n)," I said. I moved to sit next to her on the bed. I move a strand of damp hair behind her eye. "They're just idiots who are going to regret it later."

She didn't answered and the room was left in a strange silence. She mumbles something incoherent.

"What," I ask softly.

"You're lying," she mumbles while looking down at her hands.

"I'm not lying (y/n). You're beautiful and a great person. Anyone should be happy to have you as their girlfriend," I ramble.

"Fine! Prove it to me! If you think I'm beautiful, then have sex with me," she yelled. My eyes widened. Where the heck did that come from?

"(y/n), that's a bad idea. You're just angry. This will just be something we'll regret in the morning," I tried to reason.

"See, you're not willing to do that with an ugly girl like me," she growls.

Fuck, what do I do now.

"What's stopping you? If I was pretty, you would jump at the idea of sex," she challenges. She stares at me. Fuck, she looks really sexy right now.

No, Minho. Keep a straight head. Stick to your morals.

I feel a warm pressure on my thigh. (y/n) leans closer to me. I nervously swallow my nerves.

"Just fuck me," she whispers in my ear.

Fuck it.

I slam my lips onto hers, pushing her onto her back. The kiss quickly turns into a make out session. The make out session turns quickly into foreplay, then into sex. What follows is the feeling of regret I predicted.

People say that it's possible to have sex with no strings attached, no real relationship, but I can't do that. There's always strings attached. Feelings always develop in these types of stories. It's these types of stories I laugh at, wondering what made them think this was a good idea. I promised myself I would never live this story, but before I knew it, I was living it. Except my feelings weren't returned by (y/n).

I didn't get my happy ending.


"Minho! I have something to tell you," (y/n) yells towards me.

We both moved by each other in the same city due to having similar jobs. We've both been living here for almost four years. After that night, we decided never to bring it up, and leave it to be forgotten. We also became close friends after that.

"What's so important that you have to scream," I reply as I continue to finish a report on my laptop. She tends to burst into my apartment without any warning, and since she has a key, I can't really stop her. It's not like I want to stop her anyways, I love the girl for crying out loud.

It's just she has a boyfriend right now. Dé ja vú, right?

"It's super important, and I've been dying to tell seen yesterday." I finished typing the last sentence before giving my complete attention.

"Okay, tell me," I say with a gently smile that I only give her.

"I'm engaged," she squeals.

I stare at her in surprise, but quickly change it into the best smile I can muster.

You know that feeling you have when I really like someone, but you know they don't like you back. Now, Multiply that feeling of heartbreak by one hundred. That's what I felt. It's like having your heart ripped out and smashed with a sledge hammer. It's an unbearable feeling. I hate that feeling.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you! Ryan's a lucky guy," I congratulate her. She smiles back at me with that smile that I love so much. I can feel tears pooling in my eyes.

"Minho, are you crying," she asked worried. I quickly feel my cheek and feel the small trickle of water.

"I'm just so proud of you. I'm really happy that you found someone who's perfect for you," I say. I wipe away the tears with the sleeve of my hoodie. "Have you told anyone else?"

"Nope," she says as she pops the 'p'. "I felt like I should tell my best friend first."

Warning! Friend-zone ahead

"You need to go tell everyone else," I tell he with a laugh. "Like your parents and (y/f/n)."

"Oh shit! You're right. I need to go," she says before she walks towards the door. She pauses before leaving. "And Minho, thanks for always being there for me. I really appreciate it." She walks out the door, leaving silently heartbroken.


I sat in the front row of the ceremony next to (y/n)'s parents. The ceremony had already began. (y/n) looked beautiful, and I secretly hate that she looks so perfect with Ryan. They had been dating since we first moved out of college. They really do love each other.

"Do you Ryan Smith take (y/full/n) as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold till death do you part?"

"I do," Ryan says as he gazes at (y/n) with love.

"Do you (y/full/n) take Ryan Smith as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold till death do you part?"

"I do," (y/n) says with the same gaze on Ryan. I've never seen her so happy.

The next words of the priest was a blur until I hear those words.

"...speak now, or forever hold your peace."

I felt myself twitch at the words. I could easily confess now, but I would ruin (y/n)'s happiness, leaving this guilty feeling. She doesn't love me. She loves Ryan. I just have to live with that. There's nothing I can do about it.

So, I'll forever hold my peace and wait for my own happy ending without (y/n).

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