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                 The Fury Of The Lost Soul

Recap pg 1 

Fury picked up some of  the debris from his crash land and threw it in Yoshimitsu's eyes. Causing him to grab his eye groaning in pain. He tried to open his long but they burned. Once he got his eyes open he could only see blur’s but he noticed Bryan was gone. “Dammit” Yoshimitsu said loudly. “ I need to see,” Dr. Bosconovitch Yoshimitsu thought. And that's exactly what he did.

~Bryan POV~ 

“What the hell is going on my….my head feels like shit like it's gonna explode. Damn that Yoshimitsu. Grahhhhhh”  I clench the right side of my head with my right hand. But with my other hand I held myself straight up against the wall as I walked. “Almost there. Just right down….. 


And with that Bryan collapsed on the street of Otaku Japan.


Chapter 1 Pg 2

First Lieutenant Suzuki Hiroto, also known as the king of jackasses the name Bryan likes to call him. Luckily for Bryan tho this was his last year in the military before being withdrawn after doing for 4 years he would finally leave and join hong-kong police force. “Soldier what do you think you're doing I want thirty push-ups” Lieutenant Suzuki said with sternness in his voice and guess , who he had been talking to None other than Bryan himself. Bryan tried to not roll his eyes at Lieutenant but the task was harder than ever. Bryan was amazing on the battlefield but when it came to listening to jackasses who think they're better than someone just because of their rank then that's when the problem comes. Bryan dropped down on his two hands and gave him thirty. “Jackass” Bryan thought with his eyebrow furrowed.     { ONE YEAR LATER }

“Bryan”  A female voice said to him from the left. Bryan looked to his left to see who it was calling him.  It was Eiko Nakamura, one of Bryan’s partners. She had Brown hair that flowed down her back but she had some hair on her right side tucked behind her ear. She wore off black jeans with greyish black combat boots and a red kimono shirt that had a grey-blue tinted dragon on the front that wrapped around the sleeve to the back. “Eiko, what do you want?” Bryan said with his back turned to Eiko , He was wearing a dark green jacket that had a red stripe on the wrist part and on the pocket that was on the top part of the jacket.  “ No need to be so grumpy Bryan ! Eiko exclaimed with a pout on her face and her arms crossed as 

she walked to the right side of him.  She let a small smile reach her face as she spoke to him “You know lei missed you on the field yesterday”. “That idiot misses bothering me’’ Bryan said with a fake small frown on his face. Eiko let a small laugh leave her lips as she stared at Bryan. 

‘’ Is now a good time to ask him. I mean it's now or never before I lose the confidence to ask him Eiko pondered for a minute. “ Hey Bryan I……..” Before she could finish her question a loud voice interrupted her. “HEY BRYAN YOUR BACK” Lei wulong said as he swung his arm around Bryan’s neck with a stupid looking grin on his face. “ Get off of me idiot !” Bryan said shoving officer Lei off of him. Eiko was shaking from anger because this idiot ruined it. She was finally about to ask him. She had finally mustered up enough courage to ask him and he just had to ruin it. “Hey Eiko, what's your problem?” Lei asked, looking at her stupidly. “YOU'RE MY PROBLEM IDIOT” ! Eiko yelled in his face and stomped off. “What’s her problem?” Lei asked, still confused on the reason why Eiko was so angry at him. Bryan just shrugged his shoulders as he walked off in the direction Eiko left. “Hey, wait for me,” Lei said as he caught up to Bryan.

                                                    {One Hour Later}

“Who was she” ? Eiko asked. 39 year old Hinata Kato 2 kids cause of death suffocation Bryan said with his arms crossed as the trio looked down at the body. “I’ll ask around if anyone notice anything was strange going on before the time of muder” Eiko told her two team member before she left. “I just didn’t think this would be the way you died” Lei said with a frown on his face. “You knew her” ? Bryan asked, genuinely curious. “Not personally but her son was always a troublesome kid at school. I alway pick him up from school to his home” Lei said as he covered her body with the blue body cover. “We should ask around too”, Lei said. Then he left ducking under the yellow caution tape. Bryan turned to Officer Kano to tell him to make sure no one entered, even the family member’s. Officer Kano Nodded his head and with that Bryan duck under the caution tape to ask around. {ONE HOUR , 36 MINUTES  LATER} |NIGHTFALL|  “Hopefully you guys will have better luck than me” Eiko said with hopefulness in her eyes. “Well some said they saw her new boyfriend around two hours before she was killed” Lei told the duo.  “Bryan you got anything,” Eiko asked him. “ They say they saw the younger son leave just an hour before her death but after that they saw no one else after him” Bryan said to Lei and Eiko. “Okay tomorrow will question the people in question” Eiko said and with that the trio left the other cops to finish up their jobs as they went back to the precinct.  |PRECINCT| They gave their report to the head chief before going to pack their things. “Umm Bryan I can talk to you after you're done” Eiko asked shyly with her eyes down casted to the floor. “Sure,” Bryan said. He finished packing the things from his locker to his bag then he turned to face Eiko and slung his bag over his shoulder and walked towards her. Eiko kept her head down as she spoke in a low tone “I was wondering if you wanted to go out together something”?. Bryan was confused at the Brown hair women he could barely hear what she was saying. “Eiko”?. Bryan said her name so softly almost but you heard the firmness in his voice. “Yes ?” Eiko said with her head down as she spoke low. “Lift your head and talk more loudly.’’ Bryan told Eiko in a demanding tone. Eiko sighs before speaking again. Her nerves were bad when it came to talking to Bryan. You never know what to expect with him. He could flat out reject you without feeling bad at all. Eiko slowly lifted her head and her eyes finally met his Blue Meets Red. “His eyes are so beautiful,'' Eiko thought as she stared at his eyes. She finally snapped out of her daze before repeating herself again but with confidence. “I was wondering if you wanted to go out together sometimes ?'' Eiko said, staring him right in the eyes. Her eyes held hopefulness in them; she just hoped he didn't reject. The fear was real. She really liked him alot her heart would be shattered if said no. He was just staring at her, not saying anything I mean he didn’t know what to say. Of course he liked Eiko as a friend; he would never tell her that though.Some part of him knew Eiko liked him a little more than friends. He just wasn’t into the whole dating thing he had work to think about; he just didn't have the time. But he didn’t want to see the hurt look on Eiko's face. He still saw her as a close friend and he cared about her feelings. “Tomorrow meet me after our shift ends” Bryan said and with that he left Eiko there shocked. “Did he just say yes?” Eiko said out loud. A small smile appeared on her face and that small smile turned into a big one. YES! Eiko exclaimed, punching the air. Little did she know her “date” was standing right behind the locker room door. Almost a small smile reached his face. It was more so a grin. 

With that he left…...

{Story request are open}

Tell me what you think about Eiko if you want to see her. I'm making an Instagram account with fanart of Eiko and sneak peaks and updates.  

                        ~Ms.Anime          ~WORDCOUNT 1,268

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