Way Down We Go

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The Fury Of The Lost Soul

Recap 2 & 3

“Miss Nakamura, if you leave I will be forced to relieve you of your duties.” Chief Barroc told her with a blank. “If that’s what you must do, so be it,” Eiko said, staring blankly right back at him. With that Eiko rushed out of there she needed to be by his side. She was his partner ,his  friend “he needs me there” she told herself.She took a deep breath as she finally made it to the car. Eiko walked around the car slowly expecting to see her friend, her one sided lover on the other side of the car dead or wounded. All she saw was a pool of blood, nobody, no Bryan. 

Sorry to ruin this moment but Eiko I’m gonna need your badge” Chief Barroc Interrupted. Eiko got out of Lei's arms as she stared at Barroc with so much hate but then it weakened and turned more into a blank stare. She grabbed her badge from her back pocket and shoved it into his chest with her final word then she walked away. ‘’No you’re not” .  

Bryan walked to the place he hated the most but he knew it had to have an answer of what he just saw , to what he was seeing. To stop these annoying malfunctions to Dr. Abel’s lab 

Recap end

                Way Down We Go

Bryan walks to the door of doctor abel’s lab. He opened the lab door and was greeted by a cooling air sensation. He walked into the empty lab room. Bryan walked to Dr.Abel’s desk , He sighed before opening the draw. He searched through all the dressers he didn’t even know what he was searching for. He hoped when he saw something it would click.  But to his discovery he found nothing. this…. This made him mad, no furious . Without any answers he would keep seeing these different people's faces. his weird behavior around two certain folks he didn’t know. He pushed all the papers’ on the floor and threw Dr.Abel's table across the room.  The lab door opens revealing the face of dr.abel. The doctor knew this was a bad time. He knew he should turn around but it was too late Bryan set his eyes on him and he looked upset.  ~ABEL POV~

It’s crazy right one of my greatest creations turn to be the thing not the only thing I regret in life. Creating ex police officer Bryan Fury into now a killer cyborg. “I should've made a self destruct remote when I created this monster.’’ I thought I made him perfect. I thought I made it to where he would listen to my every command. But was I wrong……….. END POV ~FLASHBACK~  {DURING THE SHOOT OUT} Dr.Abel now would be the time. The shooting has calmed down Dr.Abel old partner in crime buddy Dr.Kimiko Tezuka. With that they emerged from the shadows and headed to the crime scene. “I’ll check right you check, Mr.Abel” Kimiko told Abel as she walked up right. Kimiko had brown hair tan skin brown~red eyes she wore a white lab coat and black glass. Black pants,black heels and a black tank top tucked in the pants. She walked around the car's to see if she could find any survivors. “Any luck,” Dr.Abel asked, raising his voice so Kimiko could hear. “Negative sir” Kimiko replied just as loud. As she walked to the last car that's when she saw the last body. She thought it was another dead body until she saw shallow breaths, Coming from the man. She let a small smile reach her face.”This wouldn’t be for nothing’’ Kimiko thought as kneeled down. She put her index and middle finger on neck checking for a plus. “You're a fighter aren’t you’’ Kimiko said to him quietly. His eyes opened ever so slightly and looked at the women before. “E...eiko.” He said low in a raspy tone as his eyes fluttered. Kimiko pulled a few strands of hair behind her ear. “I found one over here” Kimiko told Abel but her eyes never left Bryan’s. “You’ll feel much better after we're done with you, you'll be a whole new person,” Kimiko told Bryan. She looked in his pockets and saw his badge name. “Officer Fury” Kimiko said in a mocking tone. Dr.Abel and Kimiko put Bryan on the stretcher and left the crime scene. ~ END FLASHBACK~  Dr.Abel thought Bryan was going to attack him or even kill him with the way he was looking at him. But Bryan just ignored and went back outside with no answers. ~TO OTAKU~  “Okay I’ll go west you go east and then we’ll meet back here”Eiko explained. Aiya nodded before the two women parted ways. {EIKO} Eiko walks down the sidewalk of otaku busy streets checking alleys. Asking people if they saw the man in the picture. But to no avail no one saw him. Eiko kept walking with her head down. Her surroundings are mute to her ear. As she kept walking she bumped into something hard and solid she fell on her butt hard. She lifted her head and searched her surroundings before her eyes landed on the person in front of her. Her eyes widen at the person before. Fear swelled in her chest as she looked at the man before. “The white hair man.Why me?” Eiko thought fearfully. The man just stared blankly at her before his face shifted into pure disgust. Eiko just sat there stuck in fear she was afraid to move. Bryan move hand towards her and Eiko put her hands in front of her. A few seconds past Eiko noticed she didn’t feel any assault on her. She opened her eyes slowly as her eyes landed on him. Bryan was clenching the side of his head in pain. The face that once had the look of disgust now had a look of pain on his face. He groaned in pain before he collapsed in front of her. Eiko sat there in shock before her face went from relief to anger. “HA serve you right jackass!”Eiko said, smugly crossing her arms before looking away. She looked back his way when she heard him groan. She crawled over to his unconscious body when she noticed something black on his neck. “Please don’t wake up, Please don’t wake up?!!” Eiko thought worrisome. She sat up on her knees a bit before moving her hand toward the collar of his shirt. She kept her eyes on his until she realized that he wasn’t gonna get up. She let her eyes wander to the side of his neck. She couldn’t really see the whole tattoo so she carefully moved his head to the side to get a better look. Her eyes widened at what she was seeing.She stumbled on her bottom as she looked at the man’s face. Eiko glared at the man before as her thoughts were running wild. “Why does he have the same tattoo as Bryan?!!!” That was the one question that kept recurring in her head. Before her phone ringing interrupted her thoughts. She looked down to see who was calling. Eiko saw that it was Aiya calling and she debated on whether she should answer and ignore it. She let it keep ringing until it had stopped. She went on the dial pad and called a cab for her and her new compian. She sighed before turning off her phone completely. “Sorry Aiya I need to do this one alone”Eiko thought as her eyes wandered on the man before. {Aiya} “Damn it Eiko not this again”Aiya thought angrily. This wasn’t Eiko's first time ghosting Aiya on one of these search missions but that didn’t mean it didn't irritate Aiya everytime. *sigh* “You better have a good reason for this Eiko”.{EIKO} The cab pulled up on the side of Eiko and Bryan’s unconscious body. “I’ll pay you extra if you help me with something,” Eiko told the cab driver. The cab driver peaked with interest as he asked “with what?”. Eiko smiled knowingly . <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Eiko and the cab driver picked up Bryan’s body and put it in the back seat. Eiko shut the door and made her way to the front seat as did the cab driver too. “Where do you need me to take you?” The cab driver asked happily.<><><><><><><><><><> Once they made it to Eiko’s apt. Eiko and the Cab driver carried Bryan up the stairs to her apt. “I’ll take it from here” Eiko told him as they reached her apt. room. The cab driver nodded before walking back to his car. Eiko unlocked her apt door and dragged Bryan’s body into her apt.


            Love Ms,Anime                     Word count   1,221

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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