Changing Lifes

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Chapter 36

Maya 2 looked around for Maya in school,as soon as she saw her walking to her locker, Maya 2 stopped her and smiled.

"Oh, it's you..." Maya rolled her eyes looking at Maya 2.

"Of course, it's me. Did you honestly think you would see the last of me?" Maya 2 smirked.


"What's with your attitude?" Maya 2 raised an eyebrow looking at her.

"Aww, you honestly want to know? RANGER RICK LEFT ME FOR RILEY okay!" Maya faced her locker and opened it furiously and as she got her books out.

"What? That's impossible.. He loves you.." Maya 2 looked down. She didn't understand what was going on, but she knew that she was going to have to fix it somehow.

"No, he doesn't... It's always been Riley.. At least that's what he told me last night.. I knew it was too good to be true." Maya felt tears streaming down her face as she closed her locker, walking away from Maya 2, so she couldn't see her cry.
Maya 2 follows Maya and yells "WAIT, what about that Josh kid?!" Maya 2 smiled, she didn't know why she mentioned the name of the kid she had a dream of last night but she knew that something good was going to come out of it.

"Josh..?" Maya turned around and looked at her confused. "As in Josh Matthews? Riley's uncle? Noooo way."

"Yeah, come on give him a try!" Maya 2 had a huge smile in her face that for some reason she couldn't get rid of.

"I haven't seen Joshua Matthews for years now, he probably already found his soulmate, or at least has a girlfriend." Maya explained.

"Come on, it never hurts to try! What if he ends up being the love of your life?"

"That's impossible because he's not my soulmate, his name is not on my wrists."

"Well, you never know if your wrist changes names." Maya 2 said.

"It's impossible for someone to have two names in their wrists, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try." Maya rolled her eyes as she walked away.


Josh walked around looking for Maya as he saw her going to the girl's bathroom crying. "Damn, it i guess I'm going to have to go to the girl's bathroom." Josh opened the girl's bathroom door and noticed they're was no girls except for Maya. He walked in and heard her crying. He stood next to her stall which was locked and looked down.

"Maya... I'm sorry.. I didn't mean anything that I said, I don't even have a girlfriend.. It was all a lie, so I could impress you.." He bit his lip as he kept talking. "I guess I'm an idiot for thinking that a girl like you, would go for a guy like huh?" He said

Maya opened the stall and looked at him for a second and hugged him. Josh hugged her back and as soon as the hug was over he looked at her. "You weren't the one who made me cry.." Maya looked down. "But it was really nice of you to come to the girl's bathroom to make a girl, you barely even know feel better." Maya smiled a bit.

"I might've just met you today, but I feel like I've known you my whole life." He said

"I feel the same way too." Maya looked at him and she couldn't stop looking at him. Something about him just made her happy. Josh looked at Maya's lips and couldn't resist the temptation and leaned in. Maya looked at him noticing he was leaning in and before his lips could touch hers she turned her head the other direction causing Josh to kiss her cheek.

"I'm not going to kiss you.." She said calmly.

"I-I um I'm sorry I just got caught up in the moment and I didn't mean to-" before he could finish his sentence he got cut off.

"It's okay, it happens to all of us right?" Maya noticed him looking down and walked closer to him and placed her lips on his cheeks and then walked away. Josh couldn't help but smile as he watched her walk away.

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