The Kiss

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Chapter 5
Maya was at her house in her room getting ready for her date with Rebel aka Brandon. Riley walks in and looks at Maya "Wow, you look nice where are you headed?" She questioned. "I have a date." Maya said. "Wait with who?!" Riley was so happy for Maya since Maya never really liked to date or anything. "With Rebel." She said. "What? You can't go out with Rebel he'll be a bad influence on you Maya." Riley didn't want Maya to go out with Rebel she has heard some stuff about him and none of them were good. Maya laughed "It's probably the other way around. When have you ever seen me done a good thing?" Maya thought her and Rebel were very compatible she had a good feeling about him. "I don't want you to go out with Rebel." Riley said. "Really..? Okay fine I don't want you to go out with Lucas. It isn't so fun when the roles are reversed huh?" Maya hated when Riley told her what to do. "I just don't want you to get hurt." Riley said looking down. "You don't really care so stop pretending like you do Riley. Thank you for pretending though." Maya rolled her eyes and left her house.

Maya went directly Starbucks saw Rebel she smiled. She sat at the same table he was sitting at. He handed her a cup of coffee. "Thanks.." She said. "No thank you Hart for agreeing to go on this date with me" He smiled back and admired her beauty. "Why wouldn't of said yes anyway?" She said. "Because I see how you look at Lucas also how jealous you get when he's with Riley." He smirked. "What..?! No Lucas.. I don't like him like that he's like a brother to me" She lied. "Come on, anyone with a brain can see you like him." "Well then I guess Lucas or Riley don't have a brain because neither of them thinks that." She rolled her eyes. "They do, They just don't want to admit it." Maya stood up she couldn't believe what he just had said. "What's wrong Hart?" He asked worried. "A better question would be what isn't wrong?! Why would even want to go out with me? Im nothing.. Nobody cares about me or even knows I exist." Maya said she didn't understand why would a guy like him would go for a girl like her. "I like you Hart." He stood up and got closer to Maya "I haven't met any girl like you you're unique." He leaned in for a kiss. Maya looked down at his lips and then started to lean in too and suddenly they kissed. As they were kissing Lucas was about to go to into Starbucks until he noticed Maya and Rebel kissing and he felt like someone had just beaten him up he couldn't keep looking at them so he walked away.

15+ Comment for Chapter 6?
1. Did you expect Rebel and Maya to kiss?
2. What do you think Riley heard about Rebel aka Brandon?

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