It's Over

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Chapter 35
Maya 2 was walking around the house and saw Joshua. She sat down on the couch next to him.
"We need to talk.." She said looking down.

"What's wrong?" He looked at her.

"Josh... I think we need to break up.."

"You have a good sense of humor, Maya." He said not believing what Maya 2 had just said.

"I just think we're not working out anymore." Maya 2 sighed.

"Are you serious? Is this because of that stupid Lucas guy you're always talking about?" He was beyond pissed.

"He isn't stupid... He's the most amazing guy I know. He's been there for me when you weren't... He's been my rock..." Maya 2 explained.

"Maya, why didn't you tell me you felt this way before? It's not too late we can still work this out." He said trying to keep his anger controlled.

Suddenly Maya 2 hears a voice it sounded like her voice. "You ruined the future I had with Josh." Maya 2 was very confused and before she knew it she woke up. It was a dream. Maya 2 didn't understand what that dream meant. "You ruined the future I had with Josh.. But who's Josh..?" Maya 2 asked herself. "Did I ruin the future..?" Maya 2 asked herself once more.


"You know you're cute and all but you and I wouldn't work out." Maya said trying to be serious.
"Wow, calm down who said anything about me wanting a relationship with you?" Joshua asked confused.
"Well- I guess I just thought that-"
"You thought that I wanted to pursue you? Don't worry I don't. I have a girlfriend."

Maya's eyes widen. She couldn't believe what her ears had heard.

"Pfttt, no. Obviously not. Why would someone as handsome as you would want to pursue this girl." Maya said with sarcasm and then immediately left the classroom.

"Damn it, I ruined my chance with her." Joshua said to himself.

Suddenly Maya bumps into Lucas.

"RANGER ROY!" Maya smiled and hugged him.
"What's wrong?" Lucas looked at her suspicious. He could tell when there was something wrong.

"I met this asshole, named Joshua I think that's his name..? Anyway he ruined my day." Maya sighed.

"Joshua..? That's funny because just yesterday you couldn't stop talking about how perfect he is and how much you love Josh." Lucas rolled his eyes.

"E-excuse me? I just met him and even if I did know him before I would never say he's perfect yet alone love a guy like that." Maya said pointing out that she would never go out with a guy like Joshua.

"Maya, you might not remember him for some reason but, you've actually gone out with this so called "asshole" and you did have feelings for him." Lucas said trying to get her to remember.

"N-no.." Maya looked down.

"What?" Lucas murmured.
"I could never have feelings for that guy because I have feelings for you... I've always had feelings for you even though you broke up with me to be with Riley." Maya voice started to calm down.

"I-I never left you for Riley... I left Riley to be with you..." Lucas said not understanding.

"You don't need to lie, Lucas just stop. Every god damn day I went to school after you broke up with me I saw you and Riley flirting and kissing and I was all alone.. I had all the pain bottled up... because you two were too busy to even spend a little time with me." Maya paused for a second slowly started crying.

Lucas looked down he couldn't believe what Maya was saying. Did he really do that?
"Now that there's something wrong in paradise, you suddenly want me back? To use me for a while and then leave me again? Well, sucks for you Friar, because I'm not falling for that again." Maya ran away wiping her tears off with her hand.

40+ Comments for Chapter 36?

Okay guys so next Chapter I'm going to let you guys decide what Maya 2 does!

1. Do you want Maya 2 to change the past back to the way it was or leave it alone?

2. What do you think happened between Maya and Lucas in the past?

3. Do you think Maya will think different of Joshua any time soon?

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