chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

Bora contemplatively sat next to Minji in the hotel bar, the two sipping each glass of wine in the quiet space. The piano sound in the 4 corners emits a sad song, making listeners unhappy.

Bora confides everything to Minji and feels a bit relieved. Minji just listened quietly without giving any advice, because she knew that Bora was not the one who needed advice, no matter what advice she gave, Bora would follow her own decision.

- Tell me why you like Siyeon so much? - Minji smiled at Bora, professionally twirling her wine glass.

- I don't remember very well, it seems like it all started in the year Siyeon was in high school - Bora put her hands on her chin, eyes blankly looking ahead, trying to remember the process of her own feelings for Siyeon.

- …………………….

- During the time from elementary school to middle school, I met Siyeon almost every day and we went to many places, it was very fun. But by the time Siyeon entered high school, there was a guy who seemed to like her, he was always trying to approach Siyeon, I felt frustrated, at that moment I realized that I didn't consider Siyeon merely as friend.

- Although I've never met Siyeon in real life, she seems to have a very strong charm that makes you like that - Minji took a sip of wine, making Bora laugh.

- She's a little taller than me, sings very well, she even joined a band at school, has a bit of a crazy personality, pierces her earrings a lot, even pierces her navel - Bora tells the story, bottom her eyes filled with emotion when she remembered the image of Siyeon in the past, then the image of the present Siyeon flashed through her mind, making her immediately depressed.

Siyeon's appearance is still the same now, but it doesn't make her happy at all.

And there is a task that she set for herself when coming to Canada this time, which is to clearly capture Siyeon's tattoo. But miserable….how should she meet Siyeon….after that unwanted kiss?

After 3 full glasses of wine with Minji, Bora felt dizzy, the other also couldn't stay awake. The two of them paid the bill and went up to their respective rooms. After meeting with Lee Yubin, Bora promised Yubin one day not far to go to that ancient mansion in the middle of the night, because she wanted to meet Rachel Smith in person.

But the appointment has not been set a specific date, then Bora was already at the Smith mansion late this evening.

The reason was not because Bora wanted to see Rachel Smith, but because she wanted to see Monica Smith.

Bora drove the red car she rented yesterday, sat inside the car and looked up at the villa, on the 1st floor, on the right, the room at the 2nd position from the outside, is Siyeon and Owen's room. . Through the window, it was shown that the room was dark with no electricity, meaning they had already fallen asleep.

Bora's sad eyes kept sinking into that black window until her emotions rose so high, her mind slid down, she picked up the phone and called Siyeon. Even if this call was in the middle of the night and would most likely cause trouble for the listener, she didn't care.

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