Chapter 14: Cheating on a test

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Jian Shiwu's hand trembled slightly while holding the test paper.

Shen Cheng retracted his gaze and continued to read the book, as if there was no person like Jian Shiwu next to him, as if nothing was there.


Fatty tried to inquire: "You heard all?"

Shen Cheng didn't answer.

Jian Shiwu never imagined that Shen Cheng's self-esteem was so high, and he couldn't bear the existence of someone smarter than him in the school. Oh, think about it, he is the first in age. Maybe the male protagonist was very sensitive because of his family background. Now, if he is denied his intellectual intelligence again, wouldn't it make Shen Cheng suffer a blow, and naturally he would be unhappy.

Jian Shiwu felt that his rebirth was not in vain. He was too stupid in his previous life. In this life, he must never offend Shen Cheng again. .

Thinking of this, Fatty said solemnly, "Shen Cheng, I hope you don't misunderstand."

Shen Cheng's writing pen paused and looked up at Jian Shiwu.

Xiao Pang looked serious: "In my opinion, you are very smart, really, be more confident."

When speaking, Jian Shiwu's watery eyes stared at Shen Cheng for a moment, a tender and tender face with a shallow smile, looking sunny and full of warmth, Shen Cheng's heart was full of warmth. Flickering, he thought, Jian Shiwu really liked him, but he changed his strategy when he realized that he didn't like being entangled in sending love letters or something.

It's really not as annoying as it used to be, in fact, sometimes it's... quite cute.

Shen Cheng's eyes were cold, making people unable to see his inner thoughts, he reached out his hand: "Bring it."

Jian Shiwu: "Huh?"

Shen Cheng took a look at the test paper in his hand and said, "It's wrong again."


Jian Shiwu was a little panicked, he forgot what he just said, and leaned closer: "What's wrong?"

Shen Cheng simply drew the guidance line with a pen, wrote the equation substitution on the pattern, and marked the column where Jian Shiwu was wrong: "Here, recalculate."


Jian Shiwu scratched his head: "Damn, why do I think it's easy every time you solve a problem, but it's so difficult when I do it myself."

"Go back and do more questions."

Shen Cheng gave him the test paper: "I can do it just by standing here?"


Jian Shiwu went back with the test paper. He has been very active in his studies recently. When passing by the third row, Ji Beichuan stared at him badly. When Jian Shiwu came back and sat down, he said, "Yo, he is really active. , I don't know how many more points you can get in the exam, the class representatives are willing to teach you, and you will definitely become the second to last, right?"

Jian Shiwu sat down and asked the tablemate pretending not to understand, "Why did I hear a dog barking early in the morning?"

The tablemate burst out laughing.

Ji Beichuan's face changed greatly, and he was impatient: "Jian Shiwu!"

Jian Shiwu did the question and ignored him.

"Are you deaf?"

"Sorry, I don't understand dog language."

Ji Beichuan blushed with anger, but soon he regained his smugness: "Don't think it's great that Shen Cheng can teach you, my father hired a private teacher for me, and each course has a special teacher, a pair of A counseling."

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