Chapter 75: Growing up

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After that day, Jian Shiwu never saw Shen Cheng again.

This year, it seems that the curtain of instability has been lifted since the blizzard. In a cheerful atmosphere, many people raised their smiling faces to cover their swaying hearts. Under the whitewash of peace, they became more and more restless. Air.

There was a lot of commotion about Ji's being hospitalized for the president's car accident. The upcoming shareholders' meeting, the company has a lot of discussions, and conspiracy theories are naturally indispensable.

Jian Shiwu often hears a name:

"Donald is going to preside over this shareholders meeting."

"Since Yuanfeng's father's generation, the Tang family has been deeply attracted to Ji's family."

"That was also a friendship from a lifetime."

"Donald's parents saved Mr. Ji's life."

Speaking of the Tang family, the origin of this family and the Ji family is endless for three days and three nights. Since the Ji family started the business and established the Ji family in previous lives, the Tang family has always been with him, following the friendship of the ancestors of the previous generations. , is also difficult to say finished.

The Tang family and the Ji family have had a deep friendship for hundreds of years, and it is a life-threatening friendship. The ancestors of the Tang family have been loyal and righteous people from generation to generation, so the two Ji families are regarded as the leaders of the company. The family is the second-in-command. This is a past story that anyone who knows a little bit of the inside story knows, and the two families can maintain a balance in peace and harmony.

Zhen Meili always said: "The heart is always dissatisfied."


Jian Zicheng also always sighed: "Yuanfeng is also a person who talks about love and righteousness. Unfortunately, in this generation, after the Tang family is in the hands of Donald, it has become more and more dissatisfied."

In the past few years, the documents from the Ji family's old house were stolen, and there must be Donald's writing in it.

They have always wanted to gain control of the company. From the perspective of deep palace power, the Tang family is considered to be a general who accompanies the emperor to fight the country, and his status in the entire company is also considered to be a veteran.

Zhen Meili whispered, "Yuanfeng hasn't woken up yet, I think he can't hold back a bit."

Jian Zicheng also fell into contemplation: "A slight concussion may also be a bump to the head. Even if you wake up, you will have to cultivate for a while. For Donald, this time is enough for him to master the company."

"Just by him?"

Zhen Meimei frowned: "Is there still no one in Ji's family?"

When the words fell, the two looked at each other. Obviously, they both thought of Ji Yuanfeng's only son, the boy who was about to graduate from high school. If something happened to the Ji family, then Shen Chengxian would be the only one standing on the cusp of the storm. man.

the thirtieth day of the new year

The snowstorm that had been falling for several days finally stopped. There were people sweeping snow everywhere on the road. The air after melting the snow was so cold that people shivered all over. Zhen Mei opened a small window, and bursts of air came in. cool breeze.

Jian Shiwu stood in front of the table making dumplings.

Zhen Meili said, "Don't make those weird dumplings."

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