Chapter 32: There is a gold master who likes me

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The butler couldn't answer this.

After all, Ji Yuansheng managed the layout of this room himself. In fact, he didn't know which child suggested this. Thinking of this, the aged old housekeeper looked back at Ji Yuansheng suspiciously.

Ji Yuansheng thought that Shen Cheng wanted to thank his friends, so he answered quickly: "It's your good friends, Meili brought me into the parent group of your class two days ago, and added her son's button by the way. They were very enthusiastic and even pulled me. I joined the small group to help me come up with ideas."

Jane noon?

Somewhat unexpected, but the expected answer made the anger in his heart grow back and forth and then go out.

Ji Yuansheng saw that Shen Cheng's expression was uneasy and a little unsteady, and he asked, "What's the matter, don't you like it?"

Shen Cheng wanted to nod his head, but saw some expectant eyes from the man. If according to what the housekeeper said, Ji Yuansheng had prepared for himself for a long time and spent a lot of thought. Although he didn't find the right direction, he did his best, Shen Cheng said. If you want to nod your head, just stop, change your mind and think about these things, but it only takes up a little space, and it is meaningless to care about.

So Shen Cheng opened his lips against his will: "It's okay."

Ji Yuansheng's stiff body relaxed a lot, and the housekeeper also smiled beside him: "It's fine for the young master to like it, and it's not in vain for the gentleman. This room was arranged by the gentleman himself, and nothing was left behind."

Shen Cheng looked at Ji Yuansheng and said in a deep voice, "Thank you."

Ji Yuansheng looked at the young man in front of him, the maintenance of blood ties was very wonderful, Shen Chengguang's standing here aroused his affection, he stepped forward and said softly: "No need to say thank you, I am your father, it is right for you to make a statement. , if you still need something, say it directly, the family will prepare it for you, you have to have what your classmates have, and you can get what they don’t have, as long as you want, Dad will prepare it for you, because…”

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows to look at him.

Ji Yuansheng stood in front of him. The man who was a head taller than him had mature confidence on his stern face. He whispered as if promising: "You are my son."

the next day

in school

Recently, there has been a lot of buzz, and one of the most talked about topics is nothing more than the case of the civet cat changing the prince. With Gao Can's sentence being sentenced, this discussion has become even more serious.

As soon as Shen Cheng entered the classroom, he was surrounded by a group of children:

"class president!"

"Why did you come here?"

"I saw you at the school gate. Your car is so big and cool."

"Are you still getting used to your new home?"

But to their disappointment, Shen Cheng is now the young master of a wealthy family, but he still wears a simple school uniform and is not wearing gold and jade. The luxury car, everyone has to doubt whether Shen Cheng has been recognized back.

Shen Cheng didn't like the excitement, so he returned to his seat and reminded them, "Self-study this morning is Teacher Huang's morning study."

The head teacher is very strict and intimidating.

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