🌻-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-🌻Chapter 4

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Mr. Jung Pov

Arthur couldn't help but grin as he drove the two back to the hotel. Noèmie's face furrowed in agitation as she stared out the window with internal fury, not even attempting to answer any questions from her boss, Mr. Jung. He can only see a scowl on your face with your lips pursed.

How could this idiot embarrass you so blatantly in her own home? Who does he think he is, barging in and touching you without shame or respect?

Jung Hoseok cast a sidelong glance and a small smile on his lips as he gazed at this open, determined girl. She had turned his routine entirely on its head. He was reading his morning newspaper in a very relaxed way.

He grins and says quietly, his brow arched, "Did you think I'd let you go that easily? You're making a fool of yourself by failing to report for duty at 4 a.m. Mph!" He scoffed.

You merely gave him a stinky look and remained silent because you knew what would happen if you opened your mouth. The most heinous profanities will escape. Your mother always advised you to place a watch before your mouth, but you don't have any watchmen left when people annoy you.

This Mr. Jung knows how to bring out your worst character flaw. Why can't he relax and let you off the hook? Why bother upsetting you by forcing you to work as a maid in a hotel? You will die a thousand times over from disgrace.

"With all due respect, Mr. Jung, just leave me alone, your bloody imbecile," you say inaudibly. You're sick of this guy. Hoseok's eyes widened, and to the amazement of Arthur, Mr. Jung quickly pulled your chin and jerked it in his direction, his face practically in yours as you saw his jaws clenched.

He locked his gaze with yours, a flash of fury in his eyes. As your faces were centimetres apart, his breath was fanning in yours. You can feel your body stiffen at the intensity of his stare. As he scanned your face, an undefined feeling flashed in his eyes for a few unsettling moments.

It was as though the atmosphere in the car had been electrified. Your chest heaved up and down into the unexpected fear that entered your erratic heartbeat.

Mr Jung's gaze was drawn to your sharp features as he briefly glimpsed your partially open lips.

As he abruptly let go of your chin, he blinked and exchanged a cold face with a heated gaze, sat back, the look replaced by annoyance.

You winced at the sudden soreness on your chin, softly caressing the spot while staring like a dagger aimed at him.

He wags his finger in your direction and says, "You watch your mouth before I shut it for you because you arrived late for work. You will be required to work until 7 p.m."

"Wait a minute," you look surprised." I'm not on your payroll... You can't make me--"

Mr. Jung scoffs and smugly looks at your angry face, "--It's part of your community service...your attitude makes it incredibly difficult for me not to send you in to spend a few nights in a prison cell. I can change my mind...in a second," he says. You were flinching as he clicked his finger in front of your face.

𝐉𝐞 𝐓'𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐈𝐦𝐛é𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐞 || 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤|| 𝐂𝐞𝐨Where stories live. Discover now