Chapter 41🌻-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-🌻

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Hoseok enters Taehyung's VIP hospital room, concern etched across his face, the air thick with the antiseptic scent

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Hoseok enters Taehyung's VIP hospital room, concern etched across his face, the air thick with the antiseptic scent.  Hoseok brought a fresh fruit bouquet and placed it on the counter. Taehyung is sitting on the bed, his shoulder bandaged from where the bullet grazed him.
He approached Taehyung's bedside, offering a glass of cranberry juice with a gentle smile. Taehyung, despite his discomfort, sat up, his face contorted with pain from the gunshot wound in his shoulder.

Hoseok grinned," Hey, how are you feeling?"

Taehyung smirked," Like I got hit by a truck, but I'll survive."

Hoseok sat on the chair near his bed," That's the spirit. Doctors said you're lucky the bullet just grazed you. It could've been much worse...what an event."

Taehyung winced," Yeah, lucky me." He tries to chuckle but winces in pain.

Hoseok furrowed his brows, noticing Taehyung's discomfort, "Are you okay?" he asked, wanting to stand up again to assist Taehyung.

Hoseok furrowed his brows, noticing Taehyung's discomfort, "Are you okay?" he asked, wanting to stand up again to assist Taehyung

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Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, it just hurts a bit." 

Hoseok smirks," Fortunately, It only grazed your shoulder and missed any vital organs. You'll be back to your old self in no time. Your staff is very concerned about you, though. But your museum director is on her way. The police have already wrapped up the scene, and luckily, your lawyers are swiftly busy with the case. So, relax and recover."

As they discussed the jewellery heist at Taehyung's gallery, Hoseok couldn't help but marvel at the efficiency of the police investigation. "The police did their job well," he remarked, impressed by the thoroughness of their work.

Taehyung's enigmatic smile flickered across his lips as he asked, "And how is Noémie doing?" His curiosity tinged with a hint of something deeper, something Hoseok couldn't quite decipher.

Hoseok hesitated momentarily before revealing, "Noémie is recovering, but I don't know if the Elite Club took the 'rabbit out of the hat'...erm...I'm going to be a dad?" a smile was on his face, radiating his happiness. 

The surprise across Taehyung's face mirrored the shock that still reverberated through Hoseok's being.

Taehyungs mouth is wide open, "OMG! How... when did the two of you...oh...oooh...was it the day of the luncheon or before that day...congrats?" Taehyung had a deep, teasing glint in his eyes. They all knew Hosoek was adamant about winning the girl, and now he scored big time.

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