🌻-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-🌻Chapter 6

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When you walked into the foyer, everyone was staring at you. When was the last time the Chairlady spoke to a hotel maid?

You grin at the shocked expressions on the hotel staff's faces. You wave and follow Mrs. Jung, who is quite chic.

At the door to the underground parking, Mrs. Jungs' driver was waiting for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Bang..." Ms. Jung nodded and slid into her Mercedes-Benz, gleaming in the dark. As she motions for you to get in the car, you grin. Your eyes widen as you desperately want to escape. You didn't believe she'd urge you to accompany her on her ride.

As you set your tote bag on your lap, you grin and say, "Thank you, Mrs. Jung."When the car pulled out of the parking space, you could feel Mrs. Jung's calculating gaze on you, making you feel a little uneasy.

Her Cupid lips and eyes are identical to those of her imbecile son.

"So, Ms--," she says, her brow arched in your direction.

"...er Seo Noèmie.," you say, clearing your throat.

She had a slight grin on her face. "So, Ms. Noèmie., how do you feel about Hoseok? I get the impression that your working relationship is stressful for both of you."

You took a deep breath to avoid letting her see your disdain for her son, whom you detest.

"Ms. Jung...er, Mr. Imbe--I mean Jung and I had a brief altercation a few days ago. It was not my aim to cause the slight collision, Ma'am. It wasn't my fault; it was his demon drivers' fault...and Mr. Jung refused to hear my side of the story. "You rant quietly. Ms. Jung chuckled a little as she remembered her son's rants and raves over this; specific "maid." No woman had ever let him lose his cool in public like that. Authur and Meijiwoo, her son's confidante, told him that this French girl made her son sweat a lot. He is constantly criticizing her for her antics. She watches the girl's defeated expression with amusement. Ms. Jung was enthralled by the charming french accent.

She notices the girl wringing her hands nervously and recognizes the magnificent diamond watch and "pinky" rose gold ring.

Her brows pulled together, "So, you're a brand-new maid doing community service...hmm. Is it true that you have a new baby and a husband waiting for you at home?"

You shook your head with a bit of regret, a guilty expression flickering across your face. "No, I'm sorry, Ms. Jung, but your son and I aren't on the same page. I came to Korea for business and cannot complete my job due to the accident and Mr. Jung's unreasonable behavior."

"So you've got a job? I was perplexed how a maid could afford a $20 000 diamond wristwatch with the latest Cartier "toe and pinky "rose gold ring collection on her finger. Really, who are you?" She raises her elegantly arched brow in your direction. You sigh and decide to give her the truth because there is no way you can lie to her.

𝐉𝐞 𝐓'𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐈𝐦𝐛é𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐞 || 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤|| 𝐂𝐞𝐨Where stories live. Discover now