9. His POV

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"Noah no!" A voice yelled as I was banging the kids head on the ice by his helmet.

"Stop it. Noah please don't hurt him I know he has a helmet and hit you first but come on." Maya yelled and I was pulled off the kid by Coach Wilson.

"Oh Matthew." He sighed and patted my helmet.

"How about I have Lane take your place and a backup take his and you just go with Maya and cool down?" He offered and I took my helmet off and spat on the ice seeing blood from when the butt of his hockey stick hit the side of my cheek when I was putting in my mouth guard.

"Don't worry he'll be in the penalty box. Wait in the bus and Lane will come sit with you to check up because based off his face he's awfully worried." He said and I saw Lane looking at me confused and I nodded to the coach skating off the ice as people cheered. For what? No idea.

I took my skates off and one thing I liked about Maya is she didn't quiz me about what I did. She just stayed quiet until I said something or she could change the topic unless I felt comfortable.

I went to the locker room and I knew Maya had followed behind and waited outside of it.

I heard my phone ringing and I picked it up.

"Ya." I said pulling up my sweats.

"Noah I saw what happened are you alright?" My mom asked.

"I'm fine. The bastard hit me in the mouth. A little blood I'm fine." I shrugged and put on deodorant with a spray of cologne to mask the sweat until I get to shower.

"Okay I just wanted to make sure. I love you. I got the basket you sent and it was so kind thank you." She said and I was so confused.

"Basket?" I asked.

"Yea with the chocolates and nail polish, and small bear?" She wanted me to recall.

"Oh yea no problem I love you ma, gotta go." I said and she hummed and hung up.

I walked out and saw Maya on her phone.

"When did you send my mom the basket?" I asked a little pissed.

She looked at me funny.

"Coach Wilson did. He told me to let you know when she got it but you got the message first." She shrugged.

"You didn't do it?" I asked and she stood.

"What would happen if I did? I didn't but you seem a bit mad about it?" She was confused.

"No it's just not the best day. I was just confused because we've talked about the basket." I pointed between us two.

"Mmhm. We've also talked to Lane about it. And Jonas. And we all know the coaches. I have no idea I was just told by Wilson that something was sent to your mom. Now how about you get some fresh air." She urged.

"Fine." I rolled my tongue along my cheek and sighed.

"Im sorry." I said when we got outside.

"Why?" She asked as we got on the empty bus.

"I should've calmed down or something before talking to you." My therapist lesson of the week.

Flashback 1 day-

"Im scared of being mean to her or saying something out of anger." I confessed.

"It's okay and that's a reasonable fear but understand that if she is really how you described she'll understand if you apologize. Maybe walk away until you cool down or do something with her that relaxes you until you can talk."


"It's okay people are upset sometimes. It's okay." She nodded sitting in her seat and I sat next to her.

"The mark looks so good on you." I touched the bruise I made on her.

"I got quizzed by Lane." She smiled.

"He knew it was me he just wanted you to say it." I laughed.

"I did say it and people kept staring." She chuckled and I put my hand on her thigh, lifting them both over my legs so she was facing me more.

"Because you're hot." I smiled.

"I'm aware." She teased.

"Cocky." I joked.

"A little." She winked and I smiled.

I checked the time and there was about 30 minutes until the game was over.

"Come here." I pulled her on my lap.

I loved this bus, the only one without cameras. Lane and I broke them all a while back.

She straddled me and I put my hands on her ass.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She laughed and I smiled.

"How do you want me to look at you then?" I asked and she shrugged.

I leaned up and kissed her gently feeling her soft lips on mine. I licked her bottom lip lightly and she opened her mouth for me. I could taste the mint and backed up.

"Did you eat this morning?" I asked.

"No I wasn't hungry." She shook her head.

"Eat lunch with me when we get back?" I asked.

"I will." She nodded and I grabbed some of her hair putting it on the opposite shoulder.

I kissed her chin lightly and moved down the middle of her neck.

I found a good spot for another hickey and licked it before smiling to myself.

"You look so good in my jersey." I said and put my hands under the shirt feeling her bare back with my large hand and she leaned into me while I began sucking on her neck.

I moved my hand up and settled it on the skin under her bra strap.

She moaned and I adored the sound as I sucked harder, pulling her skin between my teeth and biting.

"Fuck." She groaned and I was waiting for my name.

I sucked harder waiting for it.

"Noah." She groaned and I released the skin licking it once before kissing it and going to the soft spot behind her ear.

I kissed it and felt goosebumps raise on her back.

"Do you like that spot?" I asked quietly by her ear and she hummed.

I kissed it again before biting her ear lobe and backing up seeing what I did.

"You should give me some." I suggested and she smiled.

"I'll do it when we get back." She moved off my lap as people began exiting. I kissed her before sitting in the seat in front of hers.

Jonas came on and he was holding hands with Lane which made me smile.

Lane sat with me and Jonas was with Maya.

I put my hand in the seat behind me and smacked the back of the chair.

I felt her hold my hand and I intertwined our fingers.

"Don't need to ask, just a scuffle, I'm fine." I smiled.

"She's like a mad medicine for you. You're so happy with her." He smiled.

"Tell me about Jonas." I said and he smiled like a goof.

"We kissed before the game and after." He smiled and I offered a high five with my free hand. Lane looked behind us and saw my other hand before smiling.

"Adorable." He chuckled.

She tried getting her hand out and I turned around.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to get my hand back." She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Fuck keeping you hand and hold mine." I fixed our hands and sat back down.

For the rest of the ride she was fine with just holding it.

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