°•Chapter 5°•

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Ch.p 5 : More than two

The female sighed to herself as she still heard the purple bean bag talking about a bunch of nonsense.  She could give to shits about as it was none of her concern. But she's glad yui's smart enough to listen to all that crap . As it probably talks about why she's here blab blah shit like that .

The female froze as she sensed a new person or *cough cough Vampire cough* step foot . "What do we have here ? Is it true there real a cute little human staying here ?" Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she heard the males words .

He just made a great introduction to no one at all . His eyes narrowed as he looked at yui but soon focused on the tall female next to her . "Oh well to humans in fact !" He said with a Cheshire grin as he stared at the girls in full lust mode it looked like .

Making the female sigh and ignore his full on existence. Which became hard when the Male appeared right next to yui and licked ......her face !? The female eyes narrowed as she quickly grabbed yui and glared at the disrespectful Male.

Making him smirk as he ket out disgusting words fall out his mouth "mmm~ you smell so nice and sweet!" The Male basically was finna straight cum on himself. Making her growl and protect yui from his praying eyes

Just making his smirk grow as he appeared behind her and licked her ears. And moaned to himself as his eyes starred in pure utter shock . Before a word could come out his filthy mouth he was kicked harshly in the dick . Making him fall and groan as he holded his man hood in pain . While the female walks back to yui how just was in pure shock

I finally did guys I hope you weren't waiting to long hope you enjoy

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