Chapter 20 - Feelings

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YIKES! You were NOT happy about the cliff-hanger... im sorry... as promised the next installment of the book is finally here!



Craig's POV:

Silence fell across the room. His eyes were glued to me. Shit is now the right time to say this. Come on pull your self together, just say it. Just tell him the truth. All you got to do is say the truth. This is a bad idea. My thoughts rushed like a car in formula 1 racing. What if he took it badly. What happens when i say it. His eyes were glaring at me just searching for the answers. Why is this so difficult, to tell him how i feel. Just grow a pair and say it, he is waiting. My heart raced. Everything will be different when i tell him. What if he hates me, he probably already does. I frown and look at the desperate wreck of a boy who needs answers. I took a deep breath a sighed.

"I-I dont know where to start" i stutter slightly. Shit. Why am I stuttering. Am i nervous. For fuck sake what is wrong with me, why are my emotions being like this. Just man up. What is the worst thing that can happen? He will never talk to you again? Not lioe he does much anyway, so why am i so nervous for his reply.

"What im trying to say is... well" i mumble slightly rubbing the back of my neck. i look around the room nervously, looking for the confidance to speek. Just spit it out already. Tweak just stared blankly at me. Why is time moving so slow. Why cant i just say how I feel. Common Craig pull yourself together and just say it.

"i-i want you to l-leave...please don't c-cone back..." Tweek spoke up, breaking the silence. His eyes were glued to the floor, unable to look at me. I was shocked my heart felt numb. Why do i feel like this. I gulp and take a sharp breath. It's now or never. Im gonna tell him.

"No... Tweek... I'm sorry for all those things happened to you, i never ment to hurt you the way i did. It was foolish and stupid... i relised we went too far when you ended up in hospital on your 3rd day in town, that wasnt fair on you... it started as harmless pranks, but escolated further than i thought it would." I touched his shoulder and watched him flinch. I frowned

"i know your scared of me... i would be too but I wont hurt you anymore, that is a promose. After I lost my temper I went home and punished myself..." i trailed off, looking at the floor below. Tweek picked up on that.

"P-Punished yourself how?" he asked innocently with confuision in his tone. I sighed and hesitantly rolled up my sleeves showing him the fresh marks on my arms. He looked horrified. I saw him study my arms cautiously. Why is he judging me. Say something. I'm so stupid for showing him. 

"You did this to yourself? Why?" he asked sounding concerned.

"I broke my promise, i swore i would never hurt you..." i mumble looking away from him. I held back the tears. "...Its how i cope when things get too much" Tweek moved my head to look at him. My face twisted in a frown. Why on earth did i show him. Why is he trying to get me to look at him. I simply can't look. I cant risk him seeing the pain.

"Ive done this for as long as i can remember" I say solomly. He looked at me and softly ran his fingers down my arm. His touch made me jump and i end up looking at him with surprise.

"B-But why did you promise yourself to not hurt me?" Tweek asks almost sadly.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" I errupted without thinking. An awkward silence fell across the room. I panicked and tried to leave. I wasnt suppost to say that. He was not suppost to know that. WHY DID I FUCKING TELL HIM. My face brushed a deep crimson red, My eyes fell to the floor instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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