Chapter 3 - First Day Continued 2

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Tweek's POV:

My face and hair were covered in toilet water. I'm lucky the bowl was clean. The boys left I took my body over to the sink to wash my hair and face. I used hand soap to clean it a bit. I washed it all out then sat under the hand drier to dry my hair. In my bag I had a body spray. I covered my body in it and left the bathroom. Why is flushing a guys head down the toilet a thing. I twitched. A boy walked up to me and tapped my shoulder I jumped and a quiet 'Gah' left my mouth.

"I'm Butters, you shouldn't use the toilets at break times, the others see it as weekness" he smiled. I tugged on my hair and twitched.

"Are you alright. You seem to twitch a lot" Butters asked sweetly. I nod and look at the floor.

"Are you hungry, I saw you drop your food in the canteen, I was wondering if you wanted something" Butters asked inocently. I nod. Butters walks beside me and takes me in to the canteen. He stands in the line and picks up a tray.

"Follow me, I am not allowed to sit with the others so we have our own table" Butters explains and sits down. I see one other boy sat there, A blond boy with a hat.

"This is Tweek he just moved here, this here is Pip. You are always welcome to eat lunch here with us" Butters gestured. I sat down to eat my food. This is the first person to show me any sign of kindness. After lunch I followed Butters and Pip to the playground where they sat on a bench in the corner talking. The conversation fell on me all I could reply is 'Gah'. Following the awkward silence was the sound of the bell. We stood up and walked to class. I sat down in my seat when I over heard people whispering amongst them selfs.

"Didn't you do it" one boy said.

"Yeah we did" another replyed.

"I got a plan" the third said.

I gulped what ever they are planning was bad. I sighed and continued with my lesson. The bell rang and I sat with Butters. Surprisingly they guys didn't come near me. The bell rang again telling us that 4th lesson was about to start. The last lesson of the day was art class. I hated it. I never knew what to draw or paint.

"Tweek can you grab me the tin of green paint" the boy in the red jacket asked. I nodded. If I refused it would irrotate them more. I carefully picked it up and carried it to the boy in red. I twitched and spilled a bit. I felt hands on my back as they shoved me. I lose my footing and fall on the floor, the green paint fell on top of me and I was covered. Everyone was laughing at me again. Mr Garrison walks in.

"Tweek what did you do, you had better clean up this mess before I send you to Mr Mackey" Mr Garrison yells. I freeze in place.

"I tripped" I reply whilst looking at the mess. I walked to the corner and got some paper towels to clean up the mess. I twitched frequently. I am in big trouble, I knew it. The bell rang again and we could go home. I picked up my back and carried it to the bus.

"You can't go on looking like Shrek" the driver yelled and drove off. I sighed and began walking home. Not knowing the way I wandered aimlessly. I stumbled across a park with some of the boys from class in. I shivered and just wanted to go home but I was lost.

"If it isn't the walking bogey" a boy taunted. I ignored them. I saw Butters and walked over to him.

"Hey Tweek, why have you not been home to change yet" Butters asked. I shrugged.

"You just moved in, I live there too, I saw you from my bedroom window, lets get you home" Butters added standing up. I followed behind.

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