Chapter One

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Christmas is coming, and I'm not ready for it. Even without snow falling to the ground and rapidly dropping temperatures, you can't deny the Christmas spirit spreading through the whole world, including Mission Creek. Bree is currently blasting Christmas music through the house, Adam is wearing his ugly Santa hat, and Leo is coming up with film ideas that revolved around the Christmas season. If Tasha and Mr. Davenport were here, they would be decorating the whole house, but thankfully, they are out shopping for last minute Christmas gifts.

So, what am I doing?

Oh, that's right, I'm trying to figure out what to make my girlfriend for Christmas. 

Right as I'm ready to throw my phone across the room, Bree rushes into the living room, humming along to "All I Want For Christmas Is You." A satisfied grin decorates her face, though I'm not sure why she's so happy. Plopping down on the couch next to me, she says, "Chase, guess what I just finished?"

"I don't know, taking singing lessons?" She sticks her tongue out at me but doesn't look as upset as I thought she would have with my slight dig. Instead, she looks . . . mischievous, which scares me. "Seriously, I don't know what you just finished. Would you care to enlighten me?"

She sighs happily, leaning her head back on the couch. Her dark hair spills over her shoulder, and she starts braiding the ends of it. "Adam, Leo, and I just finished planning our shared gift for you and Emmie. It's going to be great."

"Okay, how can you come up with a gift for us, but I can't come up with a gift for her?" Bree shrugs, her eyes bright. "Do you have any ideas that I can do for Emmie? I really want this gift to be special . . ."

"Is wittle Chase afraid that his girlfriend won't like the blanket he made her with his face on it?" Bree pushes her bottom lip out in a mocking pout, and I have half the thought to hit her. Instead, I hold myself back, grinding my teeth together. "She apparently likes your face, so I think that's a good gift."

My cheeks grow warm, and the edges of my vision start to turn red, which means that Spike is coming. I really don't want to wig out on my sister because I can't figure out another present to give Emmie. She's one of the most special people in my life, and based on my previous calculations, finding gifts for someone that special is either incredibly easy or incredibly hard. I fall into the latter category, obviously. 

Bree reaches over my legs and grabs the remote to the TV, clicking it on. I really don't want to watch the latest teen drama, so I quickly stand up, pocketing my phone. Maybe Adam or Leo could help me. Wow, I'm stooping low if I have to ask for their help. There's nothing I can do about it, though, because Christmas is fast approaching, and so are Emmie and her mom. 

Sun and Christmas lights glint off of Mr. Davenport's desk, brightening up the house ever so slightly. Peering around the gigantic Christmas tree, I glance out of the window and nearly do a double take when I see Adam in the pool, his Santa hat sitting crookedly on his head. He's floating on his back, which can explain why the hat is crooked, and he has a peaceful look on his face. 

"How long has Adam been out there?" I look over my shoulder at Bree just in time to see her shush me. "Thanks for your answer."

Rolling my eyes, I turn toward the front door. My feet start moving, but then I hear a loud crash resound behind me, quickly drowning out the crying girl on the TV show Bree is watching. I flinch as the crash of metal slowly fades away, and my ears ring slightly. Sometimes, bionic hearing is a blessing, but other times, it just hurts. 

Changing my course, I head toward the elevator. I pass by the kitchen, and a smile graces my face when a memory flashes across my brain. I can see Emmie in my head, standing near the fridge when Adam and I were going to ruin Bree's sleepover. That's when she suggested that the picture Adam took of me would go great on a blanket, which is why I made the blanket of that picture for her. It's currently sitting under the tree, lonely without the other gift for her that I'm trying to figure out. 

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