Chapter Five

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I fidget with the hem of the new flannel I changed into a few moments prior that Emmie had packed, pacing back and forth outside of Emmie's room. She's supposed to be changing into a new outfit for dinner and unwrapping presents, but it's been at least twenty minutes since Bree woke us up. That was really embarrassing, having my sister wake my girlfriend and I up from a glorious nap, and she did snigger at us, muttering about how we're going to enjoy our Christmas present. I'm a little afraid of what she means, but I guess I'll see what's going to happen soon.

When Emmie kicked me out of her room twenty minutes ago, she looked better than when we were sitting out on the roof. I knew she wasn't all that better, but I'm glad she isn't as depressed looking as she was. It's going to be a long, rough road for both her and Miss Key, and I want to be there for them as they venture into this new world without Carla. It's the least I can do.

There are footsteps approaching, but I'm not sure how far away the person is. The footsteps don't sound like my family members, which means Miss Key is coming. Quickly doing a few lines of math in my head, I realize that she's walking up the stairs. Did Bree tell everyone that we were asleep together? Wait, I never came back down after talking to Emmie. Mr. Davenport, Tasha, Miss Key, and my siblings knew that I was going to talk to Emmie and then I never came back down, so it's not that hard to deduce what happened. 

I don't know what to do. I really don't want to be caught by my girlfriend's mother loitering outside of her room, which is exactly where I was prior to waiting out in the hallway. 

Panic spreads through my whole body, rooting me in place. The rug lining the hallway is soft underneath my feet, and I wish I could just melt into the fabric. Superhero abilities aren't real, though, so all I can do is stand here and think of something clever to say or run away. I don't want to leave Emmie because I promised her that I would wait until she was done. 

I'm not able to make up my mind, though, because Miss Key rounds the corner, her eyes widening when she sees me. She's changed into a nice blouse and a pair of jeans, which is good because I didn't really dress up since I knew we were going to unwrap gifts later. 

"Chase?" she says, slightly cocking her head to the side. "Is Emmie in there?"

"Yeah. She's getting ready right now."

"Right." Miss Key smiles at me, and I let out the breath I was holding. So far, so good. There's only a little awkwardness in the air right now. "Uh, did you two sleep in the same bed?" Warmth spreads through my whole body, and I know that my cheeks are tinged with red. "I just -- um --"

"Yeah, we did sleep in the same bed," I say, sparing her from any more embarrassment. "But we didn't do anything else than sleep," I finish lamely. She nods once. "Look, Miss Key, I love your daughter and I want what's best for her, especially during this rough time." She deflates slightly. "I know that you probably don't want us acting like that, but she needed someone right then."

Miss Key swallows hard, leaning against the wall behind her. She scrubs a hand across her face, dark circles appearing under her eyes, mirroring Emmie. "We always knew that the disease would kill Carla, but we didn't think it would be this soon. And after she kidnapped Tasha and me . . ." She shudders slightly. "I don't think I ever really forgave her for it, and now she's gone." She shakes her head, her blonde hair falling into her face. "The past is in the past, though, so I can't really change anything."

"I'm sure she knew how you felt." Hopefully that's what she wants to hear. Emmie is the first person I've ever comforted, so this is new to me. 

"Yeah," she trails off. Her eyes bore a hole into the rug beneath our feet, and then she glances up at me. "Thank you for making sure she's okay. I wish I was there with her when it happened, but I was out on a date." She clears her throat, pushing off of the wall. "Honestly, I don't know what to say to you about the sleeping in the same bed together thing. I do want you to know that I'm a little uncomfortable with that since you two are so young, but I can't say that I didn't do that when I was younger." Another wave of embarrassment washes over me, but it doesn't look like what she just said bothered her. "I want you two to be careful, that's all."

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