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Beam tells him that he will take him to his hospital and make sure that his identity remains confidential so that Pha and Kit won't find out. Beam silently thanks his dad for owning a hospital, so that he doesn't have to take Ming somewhere else and at the same time he can take care of his nong without anyone finding out.

Beam makes a call to Ben and asks him to book a VIP room for Ming as they are coming directly to the hospital. He asks him to make sure that no one finds out about Ming. Ming thanks Beam again after hearing his conversation. He also apologizes to him for causing so much trouble only to earn a hard flick on his forehead.

Beam playfully glares at him and says that he is not causing any trouble. As he said before, he is not only Forth's family but his friend and family too. Ming smiles at such a sweet gesture. No wonder, Beam was Yo and his favorite senior since high school. He takes a relaxed sigh while Beam drives them to the hospital.

At the hospital, Beam takes Ming to the room from the back exit instead of the main gate. They reach the room without being seen by Pha and Kit who are busy with their night shift in their wards. Ben embraces Ming as soon as he sees them while Beam pouts about being unnoticed and earns a chuckle from others.

Ben is in awe seeing the sleeping Thorn while Ming feels happy about Ben's warm welcome. Ben informs Beam that he talked to one of his trusted doctors who will take care of Ming and the baby during the checkup that reassures Ming and Beam. Soon, the checkup starts while Ben returns to his office to avoid any suspicion.

Beam is having a hard time handling Thorn while Ming is taken for the checkup. He does not doubt that Thorn is the carbon copy of Forth when the latter hit him and glares at him. He can feel Thorn killing him with his gaze for taking him away from his mae. His condition worsens when the doctor tries to check Thorn who is ready to launch himself at anyone who approaches him.

Thorn has made it his mission to turn Beam and the doctor's life miserable. 'Bad uncle take me back to mae. Baby needs bewb. First, you make mae cry, now took baby Thorn away from mae. Mae is mine only. No sharing with anyone.' Thorn thinks while hitting Beam with his small paws. Ming is laughing hard at seeing them struggling to deal with Thorn. Beam gives him an unamused look while Ming shakes his head.

Ming carries Thorn back and helps get the checkup complete. Beam takes a long sigh after his struggle ends. He wonders how his kitty might be dealing with kids on daily basis in his department. Beam leaves both of them once all the checkup is complete. Ming eats his dinner and takes the medications. He wraps Thorn near himself and feels relaxed after so long.

The next morning, Beam is greeted by a playful Thorn. Why not, that little monster got to snuggle his mae all night. Beam shakes his head when he sees Thorn giving him glares as if threatening him to stay away from his mae. Beam informs Ming about his malnourishment, anemia, and weakness. He ensures Ming that he only needs to stay in the hospital for a month under the doctor's care and then he can return home on medications. 

Ming feels overly excited about the news and smiles like crazy while Beam gives a weird look. Ming tells Beam that his P'Forth's birthday is next month too. He requests Beam if he can be discharged before his birthday as it would be the best gift he could give to his husband. Beam scratches his non-itchy nape for forgetting his friend's birthday. He also feels excited to give such a big surprise, but at the same time is concerned about Forth's reaction. 

Beam tells Ming that Forth would question them endlessly followed by the others once Ming comes in front of them. The whole birthday would turn into an interrogating session. No doubt, Forth would be on cloud nine seeing Ming and especially their Thorn, but when the truth unravels the happiness might turn into shock, anger, rage, etc. Ming nods in understanding and feels gloomy.

Beam chuckles seeing Ming to which Ming looks at him with an unamused look. He tells Ming that he has the same pout as Thorn. Beam comes up with the idea of giving Forth an early present while Ming looks at him with curious eyes. Beam asks Ming to surprise him a day before his birthday and then they all can celebrate it the next day. Beam says that he will somehow convince the gang to gather at the beach where they got married earning a light blush from Ming. 

It became a routine for Beam to go check on Ming and Thorn before the start of his shift. He also made sure to avoid making Pha and his grumpy kitty i.e. suspicious of him. In this 1 month, Beam saw how Ming has been counting days every day to see his husband and religiously followed all the doctor's commands to get better fast. Beam also keeps Ming updated about Forth and others' daily life that would lift the latter's mood. 

Ming was also improving. He was regaining weight and looked much better than before. He was even happier when he was able to feed his baby more. Thorn started taking interest in other foods and fruits, but still craved for the bewb in the end. Even the doctors were happy with Ming's progress. Ben also visited him from time to time to see his condition, but mostly to adore the little monster who wrapped all the doctors around him on the tip of his finger.

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