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"One more to go"

"Okay" Jane mumbles as she sets Roslyn down in her play pen

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"Okay" Jane mumbles as she sets Roslyn down in her play pen. Jane decided to go with Maggie and Kal on the road so she's having Lisa, a women of Hilltop watch Roslyn until she gets back. "Thank you so much for watching her" Jane thanks as she puts her holster around her waist. "No problem, Roslyn is a joy" Lisa says as she bends down in the play pen and hands Roslyn a couple toys. "I'll be back soon" Jane declares before she bends down to Roslyn and places a kiss on her forehead and gets a good look at her before she leaves the room and meets Maggie and Kal outside.

"You know you can stay here. Keep things afloat" Maggie states as she puts supplies in the buggy. "Jesus got things handled" Jane says as she gets in the buggy. "We're going to the Sanctuary. Are you sure you want to go?" Maggie asks as she climbs on the buggy. "I'm sure" Jane states before her, Kal and Maggie drive out of Hilltop.

On the road, Maggie and Kal are bringing food to the Sanctuary when they are stopped by a small group of Saviors, "Whoa" Maggie warns as she brings the horses to a stop. Jane furrows her eyebrows and looks at the Savior's who stop in front of them and notice Arat. The women who sliced her sisters throat right in front of her. Jane immediately pulls out her gun and holds it in her hand while looking to Arat and Arat only. "Easy there, we're all one big kumbaya" Jed states before Jane scoffs at his words.

"Besides, you don't really want me to kick your ass again" Regina states as Jane looks over at her. "Want to go again?" Jane questions as she was about to step out of the buggy but Maggie pulled her back in. "Why aren't you guys at the bridge?" Maggie asks. "We're looking for a friend. He went missing last night" Laura states while Jed walks closer to the buggy. "You know anything about that?" He asks and Jane grips her gun tighter in her hand as she looks at all the Savior's standing before her, wanting to kill them all.

"We know nothing about your friend, we just got here" Jane states. "What you got in the bed?" Jed asks as he starts walking towards the back of the buggy. "Hilltop's half of the deal for the ethanol. Shipment we never got" Maggie states as she locks with Jed before Regina starts walking up. "Yeah, that went missing, too" Regina states and Jane smiles mischievously at her. "Along with the people bringing it. You know anything about that?" Jed wonders and Jane looks between Regina and Jed.

"I wish I did. I want that fuel" Maggie states before Jed steals a tomato out of the back and takes a large bite. Maggie says she'll mark him down for it while the other Saviors let her pass. "Gotta go and get back before the next shift" Arat says and Jane looks towards her. "Yeah... you do that" Jane mumbles as her and Arat lock eyes while Jane slowly puts her gun back in her holster. The horses begin moving again and they see a walker in the distance.

"I got it" Jane says as she hops out of the buggy and walks towards the walker but quickly steps back when she realizes who it is. "Justin?" Jane questions as a zombified Justin lunges towards her and she groans in disbelief before grabbing the walkers shoulder and stabbing him in the side of the head and watches his body drop to the ground but notices something is off.

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