012. ❛ quando? ❜

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~song details:

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song details:

Italics- Camilo singing
Underlined Italics- Rosa singing
Bold Italics- Together singing


"Hey Rosa" It was the morning, and I was sitting at the dining table as Sheridan's were still sleeping. But Gabriella, who was awake and chatting with me in the kitchen.

"Hey Gabs" She looks at me curiously, and makes a small smirk.

"What's on your mind?" She asks with a tease in her voice, and I quirk a eyebrow at her. She sits beside me at the table and sets her chin in her hand.

"Nothing, why?"

"Well, I've heard you had some friends here" Immediately, I looked down with a smile. Then, she gasps with a big smile.

"There's a boy!" She squeals, and I shut her up.

"N-no there's not, it's only a friend" She kept looking at me, with a teasing smirk. I started to feel blood rush to my cheeks, and I couldn't stop smiling. Thinking of him.

"Oh come on, look at you! Your blushing like crazy and he's not even here, I don't even know who this guy is?!" I roll my eyes, blush still appearing on my cheeks.

"Ok- okay!" She scooted closer, and her face lit up with excited glee. I sighed, and laughed a little.

"So theres this boy..." I started and again, my cheeks burned up.

"His name is Camilo-" Gabriella was about to ask a question but I immediately answered for her before.

"Yes, the shape shifting Madrigal boy" I say with a chuckle and she nods with a smile.

"And... He makes me feel so happy- I felt like moving here was such a good decision, and before I wasn't excited. But when I met him, my whole perspective of everything changed"

"He didn't judge me for having tattoos, he didn't change his view of me when he found out about my powers... And he's the only thing that makes me... Glow"

"Literally glow? Are you talking about when your tattoos glowing?' I nod, seeming interested as she furrowed her eyebrows thinking.

"Does your tattoos only glow around him or when it's about him?" I nod, fidgeting with my fingers.

"And you've said, the first time your tattoos glowed it was the night your dad died, right?"

"Yeah...? What are you saying?"

"I think your tattoos glow because, when you feel a overpowering- overwhelming feeling of love, they glow..." My eyes widen, biting my lips hard realizing what she's trying to say. Her eyebrows raise at me, and we both had the same expression.

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