Searching for Riley

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"Shit, shit, shit, that's their vehicle," Hunter yelled as he jumped and rolled out of the moving vehicle. He ran over to it and saw George bloody in the front. He felt for a pulse. "Hey, he has a pulse, let's get medics over here asap," he barked out to the other men. 

Matt surveyed the area and noticed tire tracks that spun out going north, "Lucas, you got anything yet?"

"Working on it, satellite photos coming up and scanning all cameras for that vehicle," he said.

Kaiden swore and ran his fingers through his hair, "Damn it, how did this happen? Little to no people knew about us going on the vacation. Someone has to pay."

"Oh, they will," Hunter growled, "They think I was scary before, they have seen nothing yet."

"Shit yeah," Lucas yelled, "I got the vehicle on a camera. It's heading north and I was able to follow it to when it left the city. No cameras out there so scanning all areas north of this city that have cameras. I will update when I have more."

"That's a place to start," Kaiden replied as he picked up his phone, "Start going north. Search every damn area, leave no stone unturned. No rest until we find Riley."

They searched for days going on little to no sleep. The men were on high alert. Everything else was put on pause. Kaiden's father was furious and tried to order the men to continue on with their regular duties but Kaiden shut it down fast. Since the men respected Kaiden more, they followed his lead and his father couldn't do anything about it.

Unfortunately any leads they had, turned up to be futile. This group was good. But the boys refused giving up. They lost her once, they refused to lose her again.

About a  week and a half had passed and Hunter and Matt were out and about driving when they received a call from one of their men. Matt listened for a moment and replied, "Affirmative, follow up on it and we will be there soon."

"What's up?" Hunter asked. 

"One of our guys was doing some digging and uncovered a few suspicious places that could potentially be area's where that group is."

"How did he find them? That seems odd since we haven't been able to find anything," Hunter replied.

"Yes, I agree but I'm not looking at that right now, if it helps us find Riley I will do whatever it takes. Everything else can wait until we have her safe in our arms," Matt retorted. 

"I'll update Kaiden and Lucas," Hunter said, "Let's do this."

The next week was filled with recon and stake out's. The first building they checked out was nothing. The next one was definitely a hideout of some kind so they checked that out and found a few men that they were able to interrogate. They denied knowing anything about Riley but regardless Hunter ended up taking them out. The next one seemed to be just a normal house but after staking it out for a few days, they noticed an increase in foot traffic, mainly men going in and out. Lucas sent out a mini spider robot to enter and scan the house and found a whole underground area. Filled with many rooms. The video shot's they got were able to show exactly how big it was. There was multiple rooms filled with various technology, military grade weapons, and a few locked rooms they were unable to get into. They were able to record conversations which was a huge help.

"Finally," Lucas said as he spun around in this chair, "I got confirmation from this audio recording that this is the main base. Trying to figure out who's in charge but no luck yet."

"Keep on it," Kaiden said, "We have to do this methodically and carefully. This is one thing we can't screw up especially if Riley is in there."

"The only chatter I've heard is about no specific women, yes women are mentioned but there is no names so it's difficult to say if she is even there," Lucas replied.

"I wish we could just storm that place and burn it to the ground," Hunter huffed.

"If only," Matt agreed, "But I have my best men keeping tabs on the house, if anyone sneezes we will know about it."

Over the following week they were able to get a general grasp on numbers and knew that they would need to mobilize everyone they got to be even remotely successful. That group was prepared and ready for anything it seemed. They were unable to find any weakness' with them. Unfortunately they couldn't confirm whether Riley was there or not but they knew that this was the best chance of finding her. One good thing that came out was that they had a name for the boss. All the days of listening in on audio conversations finally came to when they got the name which was Mr. Black. Unfortunately even with the name they couldn't find anything on him. He was a ghost.

The day of the attack was finally here. They spent multiple days going over every possibility and felt like they had a good grasp on what could go wrong and what would probably go wrong. Kaiden's father finally came around and agreed to help them with whatever they needed. Everyone was on board and they felt confident they could decimate this group. They knew that this was the one chance they had to take down them down and if they did so successfully, Riley would finally be safe. 

Based on intel they knew when the most guys would be there and they decided to attack then. They surrounded the house and started by blowing down the doors and putting tear gas inside the house. They then entered and started shooting. The men were told shoot to kill and they ran with it. They secured the top of the house shortly but due to the noise, the people downstairs were ready and a firing match started. They were slowly able to make their way down. However people on both sides were getting hit left, right and center. They made it downstairs and split into the pre planned groups and veered off the directions they were suppose to go. 

The boys were able to make it down the hallway to the locked rooms leaving the gun fight behind them and they kicked in the first door, empty. They went to the second one and kicked it in. They stopped short when they saw what was in the room.

A man, wearing a high end suit, holding a naked Riley at gunpoint while she's tied up so she can't do anything. Her body is bruised and it is very obvious she has lost weight. Her eyes are wide and frightened but they can see relief in them as she looks over at her four guys standing in the doorway.

"Hello boys," the man says, "Welcome to the party. Glad you could join."

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