Rescuing Riley

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"Get the hell away from her before I blow your brains out," Hunter seethed.

"Now now, you're in no position to make demands Hunter. One wrong move and I blow her brains out," the man smirked.

"So now what? Our men our killing yours so we seem to be at an impasse," Matt said, "Soon you will be surrounded and have nowhere to go."

Riley cringed at the laugh that came out of his mouth, "You don't think I planned for this? I have planned out every which scenario since I found out Riley was alive. The fact that she has no memories makes it even better."

"That's where you're wrong," Riley mumbled," I remember you from when I was kid. It came back to me when I saw you the first time."

"And now we know each other intimately," he leaned down and licked her cheek. Riley recoiled as she grimaced at the movement.

"Oh hell no, you don't get to touch her," Lucas said.

"Too late, my men and I have had fun with her, besides it took you guys long enough to find her. With your reputation I would assume you could find me faster."

Riley looked up at him  "Tell me why, what happened that caused you to do all this?"

"Because your father took what was mine over and over again. And now enough is enough. I'm taking everything of his."

"What was yours?" She insisted.

"What everything is about these days, money and women."

"What did he do?" Kaiden asked.

"We knew each other long time ago, I had a fiancé and her father," gesturing at Riley, "Took her from me."

Riley paled, "My mother?"

He laughed crudely, "No, once he met your mother he dumped her hard and left her to fend for herself. She's dead now because of him. Because of your whore of your mother."

"Don't call her that," Riley exclaimed, "She wasn't a whore."

"Oh Riley, so little you know. Between  that, and the money he stole, I have been planning revenge for a long time. What happened when you were little was only the beginning of a wider plan."

Suddenly a gunshot went out and Lucas swore as he dropped to the ground. He held his side where blood was coming out of him. The boys lifted their guns up but before they could find where the shots were coming from, another one happened and Matt dropped to the ground motionless. Riley shrieked and tried to escape from the darkness but he held onto her tighter and kept the gun at her head.

Kaiden and Hunter looked ready to destroy the world at the scene in front of them. The darkness said, "Time's up." He hit Riley's head with the bottom of the gun and she immediately blacked out.

Riley groaned as she blinked awake. She was in a damp, musty basement. She looked over and saw Matt and Lucas lying on the ground. She crawled over to them terrified of what she may find. She thought for sure Matt would be dead. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lucas breathing slowly, his shirt was tied against the side where he got shot, a small trickle of blood was coming out but it was mostly contained. She kissed the top of her forehead and he groaned and opened his eyes.

"Riley?" he grimaced as he tried to sit up.

"Don't sit up, you have been shot and have lost a lot of blood. I'm going to check on Matt."

Riley crawled over to Matt, his breathing was shallow, he was pale and cold with a barley palpable pulse. "Matt," she sobbed, "Please wake up." But he was motionless. 

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