Prognosis Unknown

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Riley groaned as she blinked open her eyes in the bright room. She was hooked up to multiple monitors and had fluid going into an IV. She looked around and saw Hunter and Kaiden beside her bed. They looked so peaceful sleeping. She moved slightly and groaned at the pain radiating through her body which was enough to wake them up.

Kaiden came over and kissed her forehead, "So glad to see you awake sweetheart."

"What happened? Where's Matt and Lucas?" She questioned.

The two boys glanced at each other, "We will tell you but first we want the doctor to come see you," Hunter said.

Riley glared at them, "Just tell me now, I'll keep thinking the worse if you don't."

Hunter and Kaiden shared another glance, "Lucas is pretty beat up, still unconscious but expected to make a full recovery and uh, Matt, well he's in a medically induced coma. There was a lot of damage internally and the doctor doesn't know if he will survive," Kaiden said in a soft voice.

Riley froze at what he said, she couldn't believe it. Her breathing started going faster as tears welled up in her eyes and she could feel black spots clouding her vision as she started hyperventilating.

"Riley, sweetheart, come back to us. It'll be okay," she heard Kaiden say.

She faintly registered Hunter coming to her, he grabbed her face in his hands and brought her face to his and said in a loud, dominant voice, "Riley, snap out of it, look at me, focus on me and only me."

She glanced towards him and tried to focus on him. "That's it," he said, "Follow my voice, you're safe, we will get through this together."

Finally her breathing started to slow down and the black spots disappeared from her vision. She took a deep, shaky breath. She peered around the room and finally focused fully on the boys. She saw them very bruised but was so thankful they were alive and with her despite clearly being injured.

"Shit, I'm a bad girlfriend," she murmured, "I didn't even ask about you guys."

Kaiden came over and kissed the top of her head, "It's okay, as you can see we have some bumps and bruises, a concussion and some broken ribs. Hunter here got grazed by a bullet but minor damage from it."

"Can I see Lucas and Matt?" She inquired.

"Sure," Hunter said and started wheeling the bed out the room making sure to have all the needed lines going with.

A nurse came down the hallway. "Just what do you think you're doing? Put her back," the nurse exclaimed.

Hunter glared at her, "Riley needs to see her guys. We're paying you guys enough so leave us be."

The nurse paled at Hunter's tone and backed away.

"You could try to be nice to them," Riley squeaked, "They're only doing their jobs."

Kaiden laughed, "Yeah, not happening. The nurses know to leave him alone. They're scared of him. He's not a good patient."

"Shut up," Hunter muttered as he continued to push the bed to the ICU.

They pushed her over to Lucas' room. As Riley sat up she grimaced in pain but was able to peek in and see him hooked up to monitors and had multiple medications running.

"They just recently took him off the vent. He's breathing on his own which is a good thing," Hunter said. He than wheeled her over to Matt's room.

Riley gasped as she looked at him. She couldn't recognize him at all. He was swollen, bruises everywhere, many tubes, lines, monitors all hooked up. "Oh my goodness," she murmured, "Please come back to us."

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