More Baby Avengers

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I sighed, leaning my head against the door. Finally it was... Nap time.

Ah nap time, the best time to be a babysitter. The time to order pizza and watch re-runs of Supernatural or Doctor Who on your laptop. The best time... Until the god of thunder decides to smash in a window and yell obnoxiously.

"Hello my friends! A fine day today on Midgard! Truly!" Thor yelled, waking me from my exhausted half-dose.

"Thor! Shut up! I swear you get more and more infuriating everyday!" A disembodied voice came from outside. Loki flew in, hair spiking as Thor grabbed him in a one-armed hug.

"Ha! How you joke brother!" He continued in an even louder voice as Loki tried in vain to pat his hair down.

By this point I had gotten angrier and more annoyed by the second, the fact that they didn't even notice me pissing me off even more.

"Will the both of you just shut up! Do you even know how long it took me to get them to sleep! Ages! Do you understand how many times I had to re-read Alice in Wonderland? How long it was until they stopped complaining! So shut up before they wake up again!" I whisper-shouted at them.

Thor looked at me with shock as he slowly turned to see the kids sleeping in a row. His eyes widened as he recognized them. He then proceeded to faint. Very dramatically, I might add.

I winced as his head landed with a crack on the hardwood floor, barely missing the rainbow foam alphabet tiles the kids slept on.

"Huh, that might actually help his IQ." Loki remarked, smirking.

He turned to me, "So... Who are you?"

"The babysitter." I replied as I walked over to Thor and started to drag his body onto the tiles. Funny enough my brain decided that this was the perfect moment to start singing a Frozen parody 'Do you want to hide a body? Sure lets hide a body. Where? A closet, a river, underneath a bbbeeeddd...'

I started humming off-tune as Loki stared at me like I was an alien life form. Ha! I'm not... But he is! I haven't gotten enough sleep.

I just need to go home. But I can't just go... Then Loki would be in charge and the world would descend into chaos. Maybe JARVIS? I don't know... I guess I'll just stay till Thor wakes up. Uhhh, no amount of all-nighters has prepared me for this.

"If you do anything Loki, I swear..." I trailed off thinking of a threat. "I will literally stab you with a Poptart and impale you with waffles... Lots of waffles..." I finished dropped off to sleep as I fell to the floor, prepping for impact, I felt two strong arms wrap around me as I fell into the bleakness of sleep.


Yay! Another chapter! Finally! Yas!

Yep I take forever to write this... I have no excuses. (=_=) *shame*

So who do you think caught her? Is this the beginning of something? You tell me! Comment telling me who you guys think it was!

Thanks goes to mtperson for commenting and giving me the idea! You're awesome! *sparkles*

Also 1000 views! Wow! 0.0
Seriously guys, thank you SO much. You guys are the reason I write!


Much love,


Babysitting The Baby AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now