All the New Chapters

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"Park, park, park, PARK, PARK!!" The chanting started soft but slowly got louder and louder until it echoed of the walls.

"Shush! OK! You all are WAY too loud!" I yelled back in return, willing to do anything to save my bleeding eardrums.

"YAY!!!" The kids screamed as I wondered if they had an OFF switch.

I shuffle-hopped across the room with Bruce seemly cemented to my leg, to the intercom "Coulson, the kids want to go to the park. Requesting backup." I said in my best impression of a S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

"Permission granted. I'll send Agent Mills down." Came the amused reply "Might want to get that spaghetti out of your hair first."

"What?!" I fast shuffle-hopped my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Sure enough, a long string of spaghetti was sitting on top of my head.

I flicked it off frowning. How long had that been there? Bruce suddenly detached and ran over to the door, were my occasional co-worker kneeled, kids all around him.

"Hey guys! It seems like forever since I've seen you lot!" Gabe, aka Agent Mills said smiling and kneeling to greet them.

"Thank Go- goodness you're here! I've been dying alone here with all these munchkins." I teased.

"We're not munchkins!" Tony complained "and it's time for you to make good on your promise!"

With that he started up the chant of "Park! Park!" Again.

"I see why you were having such trouble." Gabe smirked at me.

"Shush. You, a person who isn't constantly caked in a layer of glitter and hasn't gone to school with plastic clips in your hair, has no say."

"Ugh, I almost feel bad for you. Almost." Gabe proceeded to sweep Steve and Tony  into his arms as Natasha jumped into piggy-back style onto him.

"Shall we be off, my good munchkins?"

" 'm not a munchkin!" Tony reiterated.

"Sure Tones." I smiled, arching an eyebrow while also picking up Banner and grabbing Clint's hand, as he refused being picked up, except for piggy-back rides.

We started off to the elevator JARVIS had held open for us.

At the Park

As soon as we got there the kids scattered to the playground, running as fast as their little feet could take them.

Per usual, Gabe and I struck up a conversation.

"So... Fought any devious super villains lately?" I questioned, genuinely curious.

"Unless B-list villains are the next Dr. Dooms, and I'm saving the next generation, which considering some of their plots and weapons is unlikely, not so much." He replied "How goes wrangling the wild ones?"

"It goes, some days are better than others." I replied non-comittedly " I love working with the kids though."

"I can tell."

The moment was shattered by the cry of a kid. As I whipped my head towards the sound I saw Clint standing near a swing with a kid I didn't recognize on his butt crying.

"There goes the peacefulness." I muttered, already walking over with Gabe following a few steps behind.


And... Done!

Sorry it takes me super long to update. Motivation and inspiration rarely hit me at the same time.

If you have any suggestions or want to give me ideas of what you think my OCs look like, hit me up! I'd be happy to receive any comments or messages!

Welp, thanks for reading!

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