3 Days Before I Died

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The next morning was absolute hell.

My entire body ached so painfully, it took all I had to keep from screaming in pain every five minutes. Holding my eyes open for more than a few seconds was a grueling task in it's own, and I could forget about trying to sit up. Or move at all for that matter.

It was becoming more and more apparent how fast the cancer was spreading. The worse I felt the more I'd lost hope. There was no way I could come back from this. My only chance at this point really was for a miracle to happen.

"Aiden?" I whispered into the empty room. It was still very early morning, so neither Doctor Parks, nor any of the nurses had come to do their daily check ups yet.

Silence was the only thing I was met with. Squinting my eyes open to see if maybe Aiden had just chosen to stay quiet for the moment - there was no one.

"Aiden?" I called again, my voice no stronger than before. "Aiden, please. Talk to me."

Tears began to build up in my eyes as my pain only worsened. Too weak to even press the call button beside me, I could only lie there.

"Aiden. I need help." My eyes fell closed once again.

Just as I felt my body begin to give up, a hand covered my own, another reaching up to rest on my forehead.

"You'll be okay."


The next time I awoke, I knew I was in a completely different room. It was colder and bustling with people, the shuffling of their feet and the low hum of their voices was all I could make out. I tried to focus on what they were saying, but my mind refused. My eyes no longer had the strength to open at all.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Am I dead?

A large, warm hand suddenly grabbed my own. "Athena?" It was Parks. "Squeeze my hand if you can hear me."

I used all my strength to squeeze his hand back.

"Good job." He praised. "I'm going to give you a couple shots and some oxygen, okay? That should help you a little bit. I just need you to rest and stay calm for me." I squeezed his hand again before sleep overtook me once more.

The Days Before I Died - A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now