6|Panic, Arguments, and a Bloody Nose

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Jana had decided that Joseph and I couldn't be trusted alone. So she, Jayson, James and Rylie decided it would be best if they accompanied us home. Liam and Levi didn't come with us because they had to go somewhere important.

I would have been grateful for the company but, I'm a bit annoyed at my brother's girlfriend. Jana thinks we're unstable. I had to stop myself from slapping that patronizing look she gave Joseph and me. I hate being treated like I can't look after myself, even my own brother knows how not to tread on such dangerous waters.

"You're awfully quiet, love."

I turned my attention to Jayson who was walking beside me. I shrugged in response, making him frown. I hate to keep secrets from him but, I just wasn't in the mood to talk. Today just drained all of my energy and I want to get home.

Joseph was walking behind Jayson and me. I turned to look at him and practically saw darkness radiating off of his body. His shoulders were a bit slouched and his hands were shoved deep in his pockets. He was dragging his feet on the pavement while he walked, and ignored Jana who was trying to coax him into talking. He was gritting his teeth and he looked ready to murder.

James and Rylie were walking behind them, an arm around each other's shoulders. They were laughing about something and they were completely oblivious to the storm brewing right in front of them.

Since Jay and I were quite ahead, I stopped walking to wait for the others to catch up. Jayson stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I felt my muscles relax a little at his touch.

"I love you, alright? I'm here for you and your brother," he whispered into my ear, sending my heart into a frenzy. "We're here for you, okay? Whatever the problem is, I'll be here. I love you."

His voice was just so husky. I didn't trust myself to speak so I turned around and smiled at him. It was a real, genuine smile of gratitude and I'm glad he understood. The corner of his lip tugged upwards, forming a half smile. I was about to kiss him when Joseph shouted, causing us to spring apart in mild shock.

"Will you shut the fuck up?! I have enough bullshit to deal with without you pestering me," he yelled, causing Jana to stare at him with wide eyes and the pair behind them to stop laughing. Joseph looked extremely furious. "Just... leave me the fuck alone, okay? Don't even think of touching me."

Jana looked close to tears. Her mouth was slightly open, at loss for words. For a second, I thought she was going to cry but then, she scowled.

"I'm so sorry I even bothered to care about my boyfriend. I'm sorry for being concerned about you and Liezel," she said, raising her voice. She angrily wiped her tears away and shoved my brother backward.

I felt a dull ache in my chest, making me grimace. My breath hitched and I raised my hand to rub the spot that hurt. I took deep breaths to try and ease the pain as we stood there watching Jana and Joseph argue.

"To hell with you, Joseph Alvarez! I'm worried so damn much about you. I ask you what the matter is but you fucking push me away. Stop being such a bastard! We're all here to fucking help but all you do is shove us away. You are such a goddamn coward!"

"Coward?" JP said, laughing a cold and bitter laugh. He smiled at her coldly, all traces of light in his eyes fading into darkness. He took a step towards her and glared down at her, eyes pitch-dark. His voice was quiet, reserved, and downright scary when he spoke again, "You have no fucking idea what you're talking about."

James walked over and pushed them apart slowly. He turned to Joseph and said, "Calm down."

James had said the wrong thing.

Something snapped. Something snapped inside my brother and I saw his eyes grow even darker. His hands were clenched into fists and my eyes widened in realization. I ran over to them with a speed I didn't know was even possible and stood in front of James, adrenaline pumping inside my body.

As much as James could probably take the force, I wouldn't want him to be in the receiving end of my brother's punches.

Before he could realize that it was me, Joseph swung his fist down at me, hitting me square in the nose. I felt my nose break and I tasted blood in my mouth. The sheer force of the blow made me fall to the pavement.

I felt the blood flow out of my nose and I cursed, scrambling to get the handkerchief in my pocket.

"What the fuck, Liezel?!" I heard my brother yell. I ignored him and stood up, pressing the blue cotton handkerchief to my bleeding nose.

"You're welcome, James," I said, walking over to Jayson who was standing in the same position. He looked at me with wide eyes and my eyebrows furrowed. "Are you alright, love? You look like you've seen a ghost."

His mouth opened and closed multiple times, and I almost smiled. My nose throbbed with pain, causing me to groan loudly.

"Can we please get home? We'll talk later," I murmured, walking off. I heard them all start walking to catch up to me. I didn't bother turning around to look at them. I know I would meet stares full of pity and disbelief.

Thoughts suddenly flooded my mind. What if mom gets too deep into depression? What if Joseph gets too deep into depression? Will I be depressed?

My nose hurts like hell.

Oh shit. The blood was starting to clot now and it clogged up my nostrils.

I was about to turn at the curve when I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe.

I started to panic. My heart raced, going to possibly more than ninety beats per minute. What the fuck?

I tried breathing normally but, I couldn't. I fell to my knees, my chest feeling like it was going to burst any minute.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?!" I yelled, feeling myself tremble immensely. I heard the sound of shoes against the pavement. I was hyperventilating. I know I should have calmed down but, I couldn't.

I was choking on nothing. I struggled to take in a breath through my mouth but, my throat constricted. Tears streamed down my face. I had no idea what to do. "Oh my God! I can't breathe! Fuck."

Someone wrapped their arms around me, pulling me up.

"We need to get you to the hospital," Jayson whispered into my ear.

"Call someone! We need a car." I heard James shout, his voice controlled and even. He was always the level-headed person in even the most panic-inducing situation.

I vaguely felt myself being carried bridal style and I wrapped my arms around the person's neck. My struggle for breath continued and I wheezed.

My eyes were fluttering closed and I fought to keep them open. What the hell is wrong with me?

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