Chapter 17

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(Izuku's POV)

I woke up with a full battery I turned on my illusion disk to look like me. I unplugged my charger and stood up forgetting the fact that one of my eyes is messed up. My Fluffy hair is a mess. so I run my hand through my hair before leaving the room.

If I remember correctly today is Monday so I have to head to class. I don't want to go because the othered will be asking me questions about where I was. And or if I'm okay? The main reason is Toshinori will probably be there as well as Toya and maybe Enji. I'm still in an older UA uniform. I don't think I'll get into much trouble and I bet that Principal Nezu is already aware of my current situation. There's no difference between the old Uniform and the new one. The only difference between them is one of them has a hoodie inside of a jacket. I like the hoodie the one I'm currently wearing is Enji's it still smells like him. I currently have it around my waist I took it off and put it on like a normal hoodie. It's exactly like how I remember a bit big and very conferable.

I made it to the classroom no one else is there yet. I sat down at my desk and pulled out a black piece of paper and a sketching pencil. The last time I drew something was before I died. It was that long till the rest of 1A came into the room not nothing me straight away.

After a moment or two, I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump a little. I look up to see Dinki and Keri. "Hey, Midori-Bro! we haven't seen you for the last few days is everything okay?" Keri asked. I nodded before I answered, "yeah I'm okay just had some things to deal with!" I say trying to sound as happy as possible. "Hey what happened to your eye?" Dinki asked, shit I forgot about that. "Don't worry he's fine we got it looked at, we don't know if it's permanent or not though." Thank god Asawa is my saver I don't know how I would explain it.

"Problem Child you know eventually you will have to tell them," Azawa says. I mounted I'll think about it still holding eye contact with him. Azawa nods and starts the class.

Time skip because why not.

It was the end of class and I wanted to go see Torshi. I figured now would be the best time to tell him who I am. Plus at this very moment, I look exactly like I used to.

I make my way over to All-mights office before I knock I can hear him talking to someone. I listen more to find out who he's talking to. After a few minutes, I know that he's talking to Enji. They appear to be talking about me. Not Izuku Midoriya, but, Izuku Afton. I take this moment to knock making my presents known.

(Enji's POV)

I was talking to Torsanori about what had happened that day and trying to figure out why Midoriya looks like him. The similarity between the two hurts it's been twenty years since I've seen him.

There's a knock on the door and Yagi stands up to see who it is. I looked at the floor till I heard Yagi speak. "Young Midoriya! what can I help you with?" The kid looks a little annoyed. "If you don't mind can I speak to you and Endeavour? Yagi looks over to me seeing my answer. I have him a simple nod because I also would like to speak to him. Yagi grins and looks back to Midoriya. "Of course, you can.

(Izuku's POV)

The two sit down and I stand in between the two. "Okay I understand that you two have lots of questions that you want answers for, so start asking!" I say. It took a moment before someone spoke up. "Why do you look like Izuku Afton?"Enji asked. "Straight to the point now Enji". He looks at me with a serious face. "You see that's because we're the same person!" I say turning into my soul form. Their eyes widen in surprise. I look at Enji with a loving smile. "Izu?" Toshi says still surprised. I nod. "How are you even here?" Enji asked I guess it was time for the full story.

"You see I'm not of this world where I'm from quirks don't exist. The last thing I remember before coming here was being in the living room with my brothers then suddenly in a forest where Nana found me. While I was here I became friends with you two got into UA and was killed. When that happened I was taken back to my world where my dad found me. A few years after my death I made it back here and raised Toya. "

"A few years ago there was an accident and we got separated. I went back to my world to cheer myself up a little and it didn't get any better. One of my younger brothers went missing, my youngest brother died after that was my sister then mom and dad and now another one had lost their life". I felt tears on my face "If I got there sooner he would still be".

I was cut off due to Toshi hugging me. "Calm down it's not your fault it happened," he says Enji also hugged me. "Izu there are lots of things going on and we understand that you're not taking it well but, please let's do something to take your mind off it?" Enji says.

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