The Shape Of A Solar Eclipse

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I slid past past the party goers, the edges of my trousers getting caught up in the grass while I went to my most familiar place in the school: the place where Sol and I 'met'.

I came up the stairs, to the abandoned steps to my 8th grade class. I couldn't believe that it was four years ago, you could almost control time with your eyes.

"Hey." You had your smiling eyes on again. I felt like I was being electrocuted, like the jolt you caused that day. I still don't know what possessed you to do it. To see me.

"Uh, hi?" I rested on the brick handrail. I heard everything, he was going to uni in the summer next year.
I wanted to feel good for him, but all I felt was resentment. He got to leave the memories behind, he got to leave me behind. All I ever did was cling to the flash of photographs, the ink of diary entries. I could never let go. Not like you could.
I turned away.

"You know that this isn't the right ending for us." He hesitated. "We could both leave here. I ... I want you to come with me." 
"But what if this is where I'm supposed to be?" I sighed. "You were always going to leave us behind, Sol -"
"- not you. Never you." Sol's voice was breaking.

My feet started sliding on their own.
You may have used to be the sun to my moon but Soleil, you've eclipsed.

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