I'm Your Man

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It was now Senior Skip Day, which should've meant that we'd go out for a day at the beach with the school's permission and a small financial allowance. Or at least, it was supposed to be.

Unfortunately, the school had about zero money for the event due to ... reasons.
Beside the point, I invited Soleil to come over and watch Hamilton so I got the house ready for that.

A knock on the door, my sister Willow checked the door whilst I was in the shower.
"Hey, your boyfriend's here!" She called to me as I slung on a pair of jeans and a band t-shirt. Nirvana, nice.

I came to the door as fast I could and grabbed the keys, wringing it around in the lock. (It was not my fault it got stuck sometimes at the worst possible times ever.)

Sol leaned on the gate, smirking. "Are you nervous?"
For Pete's sake. "Of course not, don't be silly." But the blush was already creeping onto my face. The lock came undone and not a moment too soon.
"Hey," I hugged him, waving at his parents behind him (who were real jerks who ignored me and drove off). He hugged back.


"Did you say hi to my parents yet?" I passed him a glass of pink soda left over from the other day. Turned out that Jayda was not a fan of it, but it was her loss.
He nodded, taking the glass. "Yeah, but I get the feeling they don't like me."
They didn't. Not one bit.

We sat on the sofa, huddled up in a corner where the only push-up chair was.
"This fine?" I pulled the laptop closer. We were in my music room, with its four beige walls of art from my aunt, a giant piano and my violin - which he noticed.

"Play for me something?" He smiled. I laughed nervously - I hadn't played it properly in months.
I stood up straight and played one note, one beautiful note. He clapped, which encouraged me to play another - until a high pitched screech screamed in my ears.

"See, now this is why we master the violin before we play it publicly." I bowed and watched him giggle at my little joke. "When last have you played the piano? Would you, for me?" I asked but he shook his head and I didn't press it.
I sat back down, leaning on his shoulder while we watched the opening of Hamilton: The Musical.


"I promise, this is my favourite song in the whole movie. He's such a psycho." I hummed to You'll Be Back, smiling while the spotlight hit King George.
"Man, this movie is such a banger." Sol slung his arm around me. He was in awe of the movie, slowly saying less and less.

It didn't bother me that he talked too much, like he claimed. You talking had a reverse effect on me, I couldn't take my eyes and ears off you. Good thing that I watched it beforehand.

My usually ironed hair was wet and curly today, due to Willow's embarassing call. Speaking of sisters -
"Hi Amaris." My youngest sister, Isabelle, was walking past for the third time. Zarina mostly kept to herself today, due to her friends being over too, but Willow and Isabelle? They had nothing but time on their hands.

"Go away, Elly."
"Okay, but -"
"Yes, go use my paint and whatever." I sat up a bit more, creating a little space between me and Sol. The ten-year-old ran, squealing down the hallway happily.
Back to the vendetta.

Sol leaned halfway into me.
"Mind if I go get a blanket? It's pretty cold."

I got the blanket, Sol got up and I got wrapped up like a roti (I offered but he felt too warm, he said).
I pulled him closer, laying into his chest. He stretched.
"I feel like one of those dads, that fall asleep in front of the TV." He joked. I laughed, yawning. I was feeling drowsy.

"I kinda like you, Sol."

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