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By now fez and ash had completely gotten used to me being around. Me and rue were no longer avoiding each other after she called me to apologise. After the carnival we all had plenty of money to spare, which fez spent some of on decorating the spare room for me, which I appreciated more then he could imagine. Some part of me is going to miss sharing a room with ashtray but the room felt like a symbol of them fully accepting me into the family, fez even trusted me to help out with his grandma, giving her her meds, changing her sheets, the normal stuff.
"She would of liked you" fez said one day after we both had helped change her sheets.
"Do you think"I said
"You have a lot in common, you remind me a lot of her"he said
"Good, she was a badass" I said, having being told many stories about fez and ash's grandma.
"That's why you need to be careful. Quick temper gonna get you in real shit one day" he said
"Maybe" I said thoughtfully
We both walked out fez's grandmas room then sat in the living room with ashtray. Ashtray had decided after the carnival he was ok with smoking weed with us on occasion, which made the world a better place for me and fez, who didn't have to constantly deal with his attitude. I pulled out my rolling kit and rolled a joint. Lighting it taking a drag and handing it to ash, who handed it to fez,who handed it back to me.
"We should go this Halloween party everyone's talking about "I said
"I mean, I'm down" fez said
"For business" ash said sternly
I had lots of money from the carnival lying around, and I was not showing up to the party underdressed. I jumped up grabbing a jacket and my bag out my room. Running out the door I shouted.
"Don't leave without me"
One person I had really bonded with lately was Lexi, we both had been ditched by rue for jules and out opposite personality's complimented each other. I called her.
"Hey abbi what's up!" She said
"Come costume shopping with me" I said
"It's a little last minute don't you think"she said
" I don't care , we have time. I'm nearly at your house" I said
"Okay let me get my coat" she said
I was at hers no longer than 3 minutes later.
When we got to the mall, we had to work fast.
We went in and out of stores at the speed of light. Every so often Lexi would point something out and got annoyed when I told her I didn't like anything, until I found it. It was only the wings I saw first. But I just wanted something that would catch everyones attention , and this was it. About 8 foot in width, black and feathered wings that would most definitely make it hard to get around. I hadn't been in school and nobody knew where I went. I randomly showed up at the carnival selling drugs now I'm showing up again to a party with a giant extravagant costume. I was starting to think my whole existence was like something out of a movie.
Lexi was lost for words.
"Abbi!how will you get past everyone" she asked
"I'll make it work. Come on!" I said.
After I bought the wings I rushed back home.
Getting lexi to help me cover the wings so I could surprise ash and fez.
I ran into my room picking an outfit to go with them.
When I walked out fez and ash were shocked to say the least.
"It looks nice abs" fez said
"No" ash said
"Go and change"
"What, no!" I said in protest
"Go and put a top on now or we're not leaving" ash said
"Who's your friend" fez said, while me and ash where arguing in the background.
"Hi, I'm lexi" she said
"It's nice to meet you" fez said
Me and ash paused our argument to watch the twos interaction.
"I'm not changing" I said breaking the silence
"Fine" ash said
When we got the party fez went of to do his own thing but ash was tied to my hip. I walked over to jules, kat and rue.
"What the fuck" I said
"Heyyy" jules said hugging me. I pushed her off
"Rues right there what the fuck are you doing" I asked
"What do you mean" jules said
"Your just drinking right in front of her, you bring her to a party now your getting drunk"I said when Jules turned to rue
"I was supposed to be your chaperone and but now I'm drunk" jules said hugging rue
"I don't like actually need a chaperone" rue said
"Oops" jules said
"Bitch" I said
"You and that tequila bottle need to waddle away before I get physical"
"Abbi" rue said rubbing her eyes
"Don't fucking do this. Jules I'm okay, ok?"
"Abbi?" Rue said turning to me, I was still glaring at jules.
"It's fine, look" she said
"Okay" I said giving in
"Come on" ash said grabbing my arm
"Bye rue" I said squeezing her arm

Me and ash went to sit down on the couch when I felt something hard in his side . I lifted up his shirt to see a glock tucked into his pants.
"Ashtray what the fuck" I whisper shouted
"I know, I've been working out. Can you tell?"he smirked
"Your a fucking idiot, why would you bring that" I said
"Because I'll probably need to use it with you dressed like that" he said
At that moment lexi and rue sat down on the couch.
"Are you ok" I said to rue
"I don't know" rue said
I followed rues eyes to find jules dancing, clearly drunk.
" I don't like her" I said to rue
" yea, well, you don't like anyone so" rue said
"Does she usually drink" lexi asked
"No"rue said
"Then somethings definitely going on" lexi said
"Is that gia?" Lexi asked
I looked over and say gia smoking with Roy or Troy.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I said
Rue went to get up.
"No, rue, stay here. Ash?" I grabbed his hand and dragged him over there
"Abbi?!what are you doing here" gia gasped
"What am I doing here? What the fuck are you doing here" I said
"Getting lit" Roy or Troy said
"I'll deal with your ass later get the fuck up" I said to Roy or Troy
"What?" Roy or Troy said
"I said get the fuck up" I picked him up by his collar and dragging him into an empty room.
Ashtray following behind me.
"Now let's  just be real straight with you, you know who that is Roy?" I said
"No I'm Troy" he said
"Roy Troy I don't give a fuck, I said do you know who that is" I said
"Yes I do" he answered
"Well I just happen to live with him" I said, ash pulled up his top to reveal his gun.
"But that's not what you need to worry about right now" I said
"If you so much as go past first base with my little sister and try to get her high again, I will kill you myself. I don't know if you know, but I've had my own fair share of incidents at parties which I'm sure is enough to show you how fucking serious I am. I will strip you naked and go to work on you with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch, do you understand me?" I asked Troy sat there lost for words
"Abbi I don't think he understands" ash said, stepping forward and grabbing Troy by the throat.
"Tell her you understand" ash said
" I understand" he choked
"There you go, now go in there and tell my little sister she looks pretty" I said

Me and ash started hysterically laughing once Troy left the room.
"That was hot" ash said
"Thank you thank you" I said
"Come on" he said, Grabbing my arm
We walked up to fez and both sat down on either side of him
"Fez you will never believe what just happened-" rue came up behind us
"Hey what up kid" fez asked
"Look I owe you an apology" rue said
"Nah come on now, we good" fez said
"For real man, I said some really fucked up shit" rue said then added
"To both of you"
"I already forgave you rue" I said to her
"Listen rue, you a drug addict, I don't take nothing a drug addict sais personally, because I don't believe nothing a drug addict sais, I love you, I hate you, you the best,fuck yourself it's all the same shit, you just looking for an angle in" he said
"I know but, as your friend I need you know that I'm sorry and I love you" she said
"Love you too kid" fez said
"Thank you, for not selling me drugs" rue said
" as your friend, I got you" fez said
"Awhhh" I said
Ash threw a pillow at my face and i jumped on top of him pinning his hands down before fez pulled me back and got me in a headlock, rue didn't know who's side she was on so she picked up a pillow started hitting everyone, eventually when it all died down. I turned to everyone and said.
" I love you all so much"
"Awhhh" ash said mocking me
Rue tried to kiss my cheek but i blocked her then ash trapped me in a hug pinning me in place while rue started kissing me face.
"Ahhh, get off, get off"
Fez was being unhelpful sitting there laughing.
"Ok ok leave her alone now" he said still
Everyone relaxed and I sat with my head on ashs chest.
Rue raised an eyebrow at fez and fez shrugged at her.
"I'm gonna go find jules" rue got up and left

I hate jules so much ughh. Anyway should we fight her. I feel like she deserves it. Also I do not know how to move forward with ash and abbi. What can I dooo

Drug of choice - ashtray Where stories live. Discover now