'the first time we met'

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Dad walks in carrying most of the weight from the couch the two are holding. I run over to help but Austin tells me he can do it himself. I back away and giggle as I watch him struggle. Dad looks at me as if to say why the hell are you listening to him, i need help. Austin tells me again that he can do it, but this time I ignore him. I lift the side Austin is struggling with, and combined we make our way over to it's designated spot and place it down. Our very first piece of furniture in our what is turning into a home. 'Are there anymore heavy things you and Austin need my help with?' I smile as I say this because dad's already giving me the no look meaning i can continue my room. I race back up the stairs, shut my door and play my music again. This time I begin to put my desk together that I ordered from Australia, but put the postage here. After an hour and a half of frustration, and maybe a couple tears, it's fully up and decorated. I sit in the bay window and look at the view. I actually haven't really looked out here yet. I look out and see that across from me is someone's room. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I realise that if they have noticed me, they've seen me do everything. That's from unpacking in my daggiest clothes, singing into a broomstick, and looking at me in my most natural form. Being alone. I feel vulnerable just thinking that someone has seen me as my most comfortable self and I don't even know them. It also weirdly brings me comfort for reasons I don't know of. I find myself squinting my eyes, trying to pinpoint who could be living in that room when I see someone come to the window. I duck.

I'm downstairs now, scraping the last bits of food off of my plate. Dad looks at me and I can tell that he wants to say something but is holding back. 'Yes dad' I say, almost question like. 'Uhh nothing Blair I was just wondering, have you actually uh you know been out the house and met anyone?' My eyes drop down to my now empty plate. 'I went to get some paint for my room and the house. I saw a boy about my age I think across the road, but we didn't interact.' I walked to the sink, rinsed my plate and practically ran to my room. I turned the fairy lights on, played soft music for background noise, sat in my window and began to read Romeo and Juliet for the 100th time.

Someone else's pov 👀
I lay in my bed when I see a slight change in light out of the corner of my eye. I walk over to my window and I begin to smile without meaning to. I recognise her face as the one I saw on the street, and the one that was staring into my room, until she saw me. She's sitting there reading looking peaceful and calm. How I wish I knew her. The soft lighting is doing wonders to her skin, making it look almost porcelain. Her glasses fall just off the bridge of her nose, her hair tucked behind her ear showing off her sharp jawline. I've got to meet this girl.

As I read Romeo and Juliet I feel eyes on me. I look around my room, I'm alone. I look outside my window but can only see the light shining from the what I am now certain is a boys room. I realise a shadow like figure is standing in the middle of the window, but can't tell if he is facing me or not. I turn back to my book, hoping he didn't realise I was staring.

It's now midnight, i've been reading for 3 hours and decide I need fresh air. I head to the back door but get a random urge to go for a walk. No one has to know i'm walking at midnight, i'll be quiet. I sneak out the front door with ease surprisingly as I don't sneak out very often. I turn left and begin walking up the street. I look carefully at our neighbours house as I didn't think anyone would be awake. I hear a soft creak that would go unnoticed if it weren't the middle of the night. I only just notice a porch swing, with someone sitting on it. I freeze. I don't know if he's noticed me or not so i'm unsure wether or not to say something or continue on. I decide it would be less creepy for me to just keep walking. I take one step forward but stop in my tracks when a raspy voice softly calls out to me, trying not to be loud. 
My head slowly turns around to meet the boys shadowed face. 'Hi' I reply not knowing what else to say or how to hold this conversation. 'What're you doing out here at 12 in the morning? This neighbourhoods not the safest place.' I don't know why but I find myself walking towards him, finding his voice warm and inviting. I'm now standing at the first step onto his porch. I partially lie and say 'I couldn't sleep so I came to get some fresh air.' I see him get confused as he hears my foreign Australian accent, but he quickly covers it. I step up all three steps now and onto the porch, for the first time seeing his face clearly. It's beautiful. He has fluffy brown hair that falls softly around his eyes and down to his jawline which i've noticed is defined. His eyes are a bright blue even in this dull lighting. You could easily get lost in them. He motions for me to come and sit. 'I'm Chris, by the way.' He gives a small smile as he says this. 'I'm Blair, we just moved in next door.' He still looks a bit confused so I add 'We're from Australia.' and I see his face lift of all confusion. He chuckles as I say this as he has obviously hardly ever heard an Australian before. In a horrible accent he says 'You've got a funny accent.' I look at him and try to hide my smile but simply cannot. He laughs at himself and we soon find ourselves in a comfortable conversation about moving here. I don't add many details because I don't know him very well yet, and don't know if I can completely trust him. Although I have a feeling I can.   Silence falls between us. It's the two of us in the dead of night, swinging back and forth with no words to say. It's nice. I feel like we're talking unspoken words and he still understands me. I'm looking at the constellations crowding the dark sky, but I can feel him looking at me.

Chris's pov
She's staring into the sky and I can tell she's thinking it's beautiful. I would look but I have a better view sitting right in front of me. Her.

I look at my phone and realise the time: 1:45. 'Well I better get going and get to sleep. Bye neighbour.' 'Bye.' I walk down the steps and hear his front door closing.

I sneak back in without being heard and go straight to my room. I go to push my curtains over when I see Chris doing the same thing. I didn't know that was his room. A smile falls over my face as I realise I made my very first friend.

Chris's pov
I am going to push my curtains over and I see Blair doing the same thing. I smile when I see her face light up for a split second, she obviously didn't know this was my room, and I think she's glad. I hope she's glad.

omg i'm so sorry this is literally the longest chapter ever pls don't get bored i promise it will get interesting. anyways they finally met!!

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