'the first time we met'

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I run up both stairs to get to my room and close my door and curtains. I can't handle the embarrassment. I've got so many thoughts running through my head but the only two I can focus on are 'Why didn't Chris say anything?' and 'Did Matt say he was his twin or triplet?' He couldn't be a triplet, they're pretty rare. I was stuck on why Chris didn't say he had a twin though.

I'm now downstairs with dad, the moment slowly losing my mind as we watch one of our favourite murder documentaries. Dad and I have been watching these since I was allowed to watch them. It's our thing. 'Blair can you please go and make the popcorn? I'll pause this.' I nod and go to the kitchen. The popcorns in the microwave when I hear dad talking to someone. I peek my head around the corner and see Chris. or Matt. I don't know what one. I go back around the corner praying neither of them saw me, but of course dad didn't have to see me. 'Blair someone's here to see you!!' He excitedly yells. I walk back around the corner and say hi shyly because i'm still unsure what twin this is. Although this boy looks the slightest bit different from Matt, but it's definitely not Chris. 'Hi, I'm Nick, Chris and Matt's brother.' I stare at him processing what he says. 'Chris is in the shower and Matt's too scared to invite you over so I thought i'd come. So would you like to come over for a bit and hang?' He looks a bit nervous and is twiddling his thumbs but standing confidently. 'Uhhh sorry but I'm watching a movie.' Lame excuse. 'Blair don't be silly we've watched this 100 times go and hang out with your new friends.' I give him a slight death stare as 1. I love this documentary and actually want to keep watching it. 2. I'm dressed like shit, literally, I'm in leggings an oversized hoodie and bright pink fuzzy socks with bees on them, so there is no way i'm going anywhere. and 3. I don't know these guys that well. I literally thought there were two of them five minutes ago and now suddenly there's another one!? I say sure and quickly head upstairs to put my ugg boots on. I'm going to stay dressed like this because Nick will notice if i get changed. I walk back down the stairs, say bye to dad and walk through the front door into the cold night air. 'So, you're from Australia? That's so cool, how big are the spiders? Do you actually ride kangaroos to school?' I laugh at him but realise he's being serious. 'Yeah i'm from Australia, the spiders are like everywhere else in the world. Well not really. Ok they're pretty big. And no we definitely do not ride kangaroos to school.' I laugh at how ridiculous I sound saying that but Nick looks disappointed. 'Did I just crush your childhood dreams?' I say. He chuckles and says 'Yeah, I legitimately thought you guys had pet kangaroos and no roads.' I laugh so hard I have to stop in my tracks. 'Nick, do you think Australia is just one big desert?' He stops in his tracks laughing, realising that he's stupid.

We get to the front door and I inhale. I'm nervous and I don't know why.

idk why it took me so long to get around to writing this sorry guys. anyways hope you like this it's kinda rushed but next chapter is going to be good because you're going to see them all interact with each other!! the next one might take me some time to write though because it's probs going to be long

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